Monday, May 12, 2014

Well ,as Arnie and MacArthur, would say I am back. It has not been a outstandingly productive day but I can live with that. I did do a small walk and used an app to log it. when it gets long enough to make pals wince i shall post it.Lol but that may be a long while. Garbage got carried out, things sorted, bathed and dressed( which puts me ahead of yesterday) and I am about to do a grocery list for tomorrow an i n less than 3 hours I am off to begin actively trying oust Brownback from office. Nothing violent mind you but I am going to work for the Davis-Docking ticket until the last vote is counted.

Oh yes, I also edited apiece of writing I did on Grandma James' blue roaster and cookie recipes.Now I am thinking about one that uses old black witch cake as the focal point and how my girls loved that recipe and the book series it came from.
Hope to use them in the memoir I am seriously working on called for a working title TABLE TALES. Do you readers dear recall family tales that kept being retold whenever the family gathered and ate a meal? Do they linger in your memory and do you recall how they differed when a different storyteller told them? Or were you from one of those stiff upper lip families where tales were never the focus of a gathering? My parents represented both sides of the scale but I still have a heritage of tales to share so my family can know their history both happy and sad.

Texting. twitter and such have their place but they do not have space to give the emotional content, the love, the laughter . etc that happened around a family table after the dishes were cleared. They are not meant too, but for the life of me the posting of such gems as "I am up" and " drinking coffee at______" is a bit unnecessary to me though they do keep fans of the form in touch. So this memoir is to allow my family to have the tales and since they are a family of readers , I imagine some of them will read it.

Enough on that subject. I have begun my summer to do list. Tuesday and Thursday early coffee at Brewed Awakewning, then Mass, a bit of knitting and home to write. Wednesday knitting in pm at brewed Awakening, cleaning and writing in the AM. Friday- sunday whatever whenever. Tuesday nights after the 3 of June I will be teaching Comp 102 for HCC. tomorrow is Tuesday so I shall be out and about adding groceries and dog grooming to the list.

A good start to summer.

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