Tuesday and it has bee a run around day. Early coffee, Mass, back to knit a bit, dogs to groomer, groceries, lunch and waiting for dogs get dogs. Now I am at sit mode but I was a good girl and did get a walk in and doubled my distance. Think I will be walking in the A street park tomorrow in AM, will knit with morning group ,and then get meds and fox summer film tickets.
Fox theater's film series are a great boon to my well being. $40.00 for the films and that is for two people with free popcorn. This summer films range from Frozen to August osage county. The theater is a renovated to period elegance and the audience is polite enough to not use phones during the film. This is my third set of season tickets and I enjoy the fact that I can invite a pal to join me for less than a drink costs at a regular theater. I guess though I am a movie buff I do not need to see a film the first time it is shown and 9.OO for a ticket and popcorn for 8.OO is excessive as I can see it later on television or in the elegance of the Fox. Hutchinson citizens if you have not been there, you must go. One of the best deals in town.
Hutch Recreation is another gem in the city's crown. Activities abound there from a coffee and pie club for seniors to sports for all ages and populations. Crafts and trips it is all there fro a small fee. It opens doors so people of all ages can meet, mix and mingle. Give it a try or if you are seƱor there are similar events at Delos V. Smith.
Another favorite is about to enter our lives for its limited run again---The farmer's market Saturday morns and Wednesdays after lunch fresh garden produce and interesting products are there to walk through. Home grown tomatoes are a gift from mother nature. home baked bread and pies tempt the palate. So put it on your to do list until it ends in October.
Sometimes people overlook local and head off toothed places. It is a case of a Prophet is not known in his own home syndrome. If it is local, it must be mundane and therefore uninteresting. People bemoan our mall but if you ask where they shopped when it was here, the answer is often Wichita or Maize. If the stores do not have customers they cannot make expenses no matter how low or how high the rents are. Having only lived in Hutchinson during the mall's declining years, I can not say for sure that lack of local customers helped it die but having seen this in other towns of similar size I would suspect it was a good part of the problem. Enough said as I might be stepping on toes.
Let me say I do my best to shop locally. big box stores and chains do not attract me unless it is the only place I can get what I need. Mom and Pop ,local business people put their money back into the town. It does not go to a larger office miles away. Oh yes chains pay local people but as little as possible and expect loyalty from their employees to purchase things there not away from the store which pays them. let me ask you to consider buying from a local business, you may a bit more but they will know your name and they will make errors right with a lot less fuss. Support them.
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