Necessities implies that one must have them in his/ her life. Of course , the basic physical needs have to be met but what else makes life bearable?
For me, relationships with others is high on the list. The number is not the important thing for me in this area. It is the depth and commitment that count. Some of these for date from high school days and are still viable though we live miles apart and our lifestyles differ; others were formed during various stops on my career path. Some are newer but still make my life better. I do not need to be in their presence daily but touching base and being there during a crisis is important. It is the being there that makes the difference between the depth of the friendship.
Next on the list is the ability to read. Without books my life would be barren. They allow me to travel , to taste cultures not in my physical sphere, to laugh and to cry with the people they are writing about. They enrich my life. Yes, I must have books in my life.
Next is writing. Now this one is in flux. I have always identified myself as a teacher despite working as a newspaper reporter for three different papers and selling Avon. Now writing is beginning to trump teaching as an identification term . Perhaps because I am actively writing more and more and my teaching identity is nearing its end.
As the song says” these are my favorite things”; these are my necessities for a rich life.
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