Sunday, August 26, 2018

  Just finished my sandwich lunch, and I really need to go get a few groceries. But as one my friends said yesterday" I am not ready to people yet." Weekends for me often mean holing up in the house and being alone. It does not bother me, and like this weekend I will often spend time figuring out how I can stretch supplies until a day I have to go out.  It is not that  I am anti-social, but that after a week of work in public situations the quiet stillness renews me.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

   A morning fall off things is ending. I woke up after a storm to a yard full of leaf litter and a few twigs. I was awake when it came last night with  a big boom. Power was out and cox communications had a area wide  break down. Mine was fixed early but the quick storm left its mark. They  are saying it was a microburst,

  Still despite leaf litter some things  were finished. My laundry is folded and put away.  My dishes are loaded and washed. Dog hair is swept up even behind the dog chair. Now  I am writing a blog post.Amazing progress but down sizing awaits.

  The rest of the day should resolve it self. I have to grocery shop,but it can wait until tomorrow. I need to stay in and take care of somethings for the college  and some personal must get done items remain that i should see to today. So I have to miss an event I wanted to go to, and I hope the people involved understand

  My classes at the college fill my evenings as I am teaching three nights a week. Mondays. Wednesdays and Thursdays I drive to Newton for english classes.Yes, i am busy but the classes are interesting. Each year the mix of students is different and offers different challenges to help them learn.  While the drive is not on my list of favorite things to do, the classes keep my mind active and vital. Engagement is  a key to remaining aware of the world as the years build up, these nights keep me engaged.

 This evening my insist pot will be put to use as I make  my meal. From frozen meat to cooked meal in 15 minutes is a miracle. I do not fear the pressure cooker if the rules for use are followed. It has not been used enough because even though it is the smaller six quart model it makes more than I can eat in one meal. leftovers are good even if they are frozen for another time, Cooking for one is always a challenge. Another way to keep the mind active.

So now it is time to get busy with those tasks.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

rambling mind

  Morning has come and it was a late one for me. I am usually up before the sun as either I am just awake or the dogs need to go out. Who needs an alarm? Today however dogs wanted out at 1:30AM( what is up with that?) so I went back to bed and slept until just a few minutes past 8AM. A break in  the routine like that while pleasant is also a bit of a hiccup that sets off my let's do just what we want to do alarm. Today that attitude is going to be dominant.
  As I write Acorn tv's Time Team is playing in the background.In the summer I tend to put cable on hiatus and just stream my television fare. Acorn,Brit Box, Netflix, and Amazon Prime allows to watch a variety of classic and new shows as well as documentaries ad free. Time Team is a program concerning historical digs in England which i dip into every so often. It played for 11 years ,and I find the second time through i hear and see things I missed round one. With  the coming move I am seriously thinking of dropping Dish as , as I news and weather apps on the phone,the newspaper and news channels on the computer.

  Downsizing will also continue today. I just have to decide where to work. Drawers etc in kitchen, knitting magazines in living room,or the one bedroom I have yet to get serious about are my choices.
The decision can wait awhile, but it has to be done as Dec 14th will come faster than I think it can. Time does indeed fly.

  Part of my lassiez faire attitude today I am sure due to the beginning of school.  Worked enrollment, open house,  morning of first day and then my new schedule the last two days. This work allows me to work in a field that I love but without the distractions of team meetings and non teaching duties  that regular classroom teachers must deal with.  Still after a schedule free summer the new daily routine causes an adjustment. However I get more done when I am on a schedule. Also the constant challenge to think about the lessons and to stay a bit ahead of the kids keeps my mind active.

 Well time to have another cup of coffee and get busy