Sunday, May 11, 2014

It is a cool,grey early Sunday morning after a late night storm. My cup of French press coffee sits beside the computer and Winston is bedeviling a cheap plastic food dish He is protesting my writing and not playing but today is no play date. The older two dogs are looking at him aghast content with being walked and fed. Maturity does have its merits.

Mass should be attended but unless I go later, I will have to make up for it during the week. The motivation to get dressed is lacking in my psyche today though I can not really explain why. So I shall work in some quiet prayer and reflection and do the church and pew attendance during the week. To be truthful the smaller less formal daily masses are more spiritually rewarding for me. Also I am contemplating taking on an hour of contemplation in the chapel each day if there are any openings--- even just one day a week during the summer when I can do it easily would be good.

My plans for this summer are simple-- to deep clean and get rid of the things I do not use, to write, to read, to write, to knit and to write. Some days are semi -set such as I plan to go to Wed. AM knitting, Tuesday and Thursday AM mass, teach Tuesday evenings during June and July and go to South Dakota in late June to work with Linda Hasselstrom on my writing at Windbreak House, and perhaps vacation in Colorado with one of my girls in August before retuning to the classroom for one more year. Nothing is set in stone except the writing with Linda.

Oh yes, I hope to work in a walk every day starting tomorrow. I need the exercise but like mass today it will depend a lot on my spirit when I get up. By spirit I mean get up and go which some days like today is really in grandma gear and revving up to do is more difficult--especially in heat. Might have to sleep in pjs that can serve as walking gear. Just kidding.

So readers I am going to some different writing as I enjoy my coffee( my keruig died and will not be replaced) and work on some writing to get ready for Windbreak House. Stay well and enjoy your life.

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