Friday, May 30, 2014
Where is this house? In Warren,Ohio my birthplace and what does it cost. $O But who cold afford to restore it. I have always wanted to tackle a project like this. This Old house thrills me.. I dream of remodeling an grand old lady to new glory and then wake up to reality. Maybe that is why I like mysteries that deal with renovations for casual cozy reads.
Why would I want this? Think of it as a great B&B. Though they are a lot of work and take time to build a client base,it is a home based business that allows you to live in it. I could bake in the AM do laundry etc; everything I do anyway, but on a bigger scale. But there is a more personal reason, I could take one room an line the walls with bookshelves for my books, adda chaise lounge and a good lamp. Heaven on earth for me.
Dreams they are necessary for life. Dreams spur us to action. Some dream of a business such as my pal Karrie Ruebke's dream to have her coffee shop/ Result Brewed Awakening and it is a great place. Yes, it is not perfect yet and kinks need to be worked out. Still she had a dream, took action and is building on it. That takes courage, work and family support and she has it all.
Another pal is Andrea springer and her Knitting Savant business. Her knitting retreats and fiber centered road trips are well planned relaxing treat for like minded people and if you run into a stitch problem , she can and will lead you to the solution. He husband Steve is also one who goes for his dreams. Some are just beginning to develop but he is also a local business supporter supreme. proud to know this couple.
My dream is to write and this is becoming a major life focus. Story circle network has become a place for sharing, learning and creative production. Joining was the smartest decision I have made. This June a writing retreat at Windreak House will put me a bit further down the road.
The point of this blog is dreams spur us, but they do not come true until put into action. Also being adult( and why were we in such a hurry to be adult) we have to realize what we can do based on age , finances etc and be realistic about what can be made real. I will not get to do the house but I can and will write. So readers-- Dream as it can only enrich your life and your spirit.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
howling in the dawn
So some mornings you greet the day with a good howl--- and hopefully it is a happy one. Charley the coyote featured in Shreve Stockton"s daily email looks happy here. I love getting the daily photos of Charley they make the day better somehow and they do not need a lot os words. She saved Charley as a pup and raised him, and like all children he challenged her for pack leadership at one time. She won and the rest is history. She wrote a book about their battle but i saw that she not only found the coyote she also got to know herself as she went through the relationship. Now Charley is watched over because he trusts humans not all of whom would allow him to live.<"">
Today was a happy howl day for me. I got my floors cleaned by me. the cable man switched out my cable box so the new telly in the kitchen/ rec room works. Also had my favorite meal at noon as Brewed Awakening featured baked potatoes for lunch. topped it with butter, sour cream, bacon, and dives. So now it is writing time and relaxing as I have a meeting at 6:30. So a good day and tomorrow bodes well to be another--- going to Frozen at the Fox theater the first film in their dil series for this summer. A pal and her two kids are going with me and that is a bonus.Then late that night Dana and KK will come in for the weekend and we will hit the Our Lady of Guadalupe Fiesta. Great way to end the week and the whipped cream on it all is the LONGMIRE season 2 marathon with Monday being the start of season three.
Did I mention that I got the new Jim Butcher Dresden novel in the mail, have the new c.J.Box on my kindle and am reading the Bookman's Tale? Have to watch that reading does not push everything aside as I need to get some stuff on the pc for my retreat at windbreak house in late June. Guess this summer won't be boring.
Of course not all howls are happy, and I have had my fair share of the lonely, sorrowful or mad as H*** howls. Who hasn't? Still if life has taught me anything, it is not to let such things rule my life. I go ahead and howl and then do what I can and then let Him handle it. Makes life easier. A person can not always handle what life gives them but he/she can handle the way they react to it. Go for the positive and life is better.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
wednesday the 28th part 2
I went to mass tonight. There were 4 women and 3 clerics there. Actually it might seem fruitless to give such a mass but mass is never really fruitless. Mass for me at least settles my spirit ad allows me to get back on track and I needed hat tonight. It also focuses my prayer life for the time it takes to celebrate it and often for days afterwards. I feel comforted, centered, and fulfilled in a way i cannot fully explain.
Let me say, I miss daily mass before school. In Lemmon I could go to 6:30 or &:00 am mass and then head to school. It made the tough days much easier. So tonight's almost empty mass hearkened back to those early morning renewals and I wish one of the parishes here would have a 6 am mass . Still if the switch my schedule to afternoons at bugler I will be able to make the 7am on days the weather cooperates. At least I can plan to do so.
I also turned in my tickets for the fiesta. I did not even try to sell the 40in my envelope just filled in the daughters' names and wrote a check. It surprised me to see how many envelopes were unpicked up. Even if you just gave 10.00 dollars or half that and turned a ticket in for each dollar it would help. Ok, not here to preach. I plan on taking KK and dana for some the Mexican food served at fiesta. Can't resist that.
Any way speaking of food, it is time I ate something.
See you at fiesta.
Let me say, I miss daily mass before school. In Lemmon I could go to 6:30 or &:00 am mass and then head to school. It made the tough days much easier. So tonight's almost empty mass hearkened back to those early morning renewals and I wish one of the parishes here would have a 6 am mass . Still if the switch my schedule to afternoons at bugler I will be able to make the 7am on days the weather cooperates. At least I can plan to do so.
I also turned in my tickets for the fiesta. I did not even try to sell the 40in my envelope just filled in the daughters' names and wrote a check. It surprised me to see how many envelopes were unpicked up. Even if you just gave 10.00 dollars or half that and turned a ticket in for each dollar it would help. Ok, not here to preach. I plan on taking KK and dana for some the Mexican food served at fiesta. Can't resist that.
Any way speaking of food, it is time I ate something.
See you at fiesta.
So it is sunny and muggy today. I struck out before seven for my walk and today I doubled my mileage well my semi mileage. I walker.57 of a mile which is double the last time I walked. That mileage is not great compared to some of my pals but I am amazed that I can do that well. It s not my favorite activity but it is good exercise and a cheap one. So I plan on trying to get no less that the rest of the summer. I am liking the app Map my Walk as i can see what routes give me distance. However I learned one thing for sure not to doit without the proper shoes as today's shoes were a definite hinderance to pace.
I made it to Wednesday morning knitting and enjoyed the companionship of great ladies and the challenge of the tucked cables in my baby alpaca sweater.
Actually the back is nearing completion and i hope to finish it before fall. At the moment I am hoping the picture comes up when I hit publish. I usually only knit on this away from the house as the dogs keep pestering me. Have to do"idiot" knitting when they are around.
OK here goes.. let's see if the photo works. It does. Now that is an ego booster.!!! Every can use one of those every so often.
Not much else to say today or at least right now. Later?
I made it to Wednesday morning knitting and enjoyed the companionship of great ladies and the challenge of the tucked cables in my baby alpaca sweater.

Actually the back is nearing completion and i hope to finish it before fall. At the moment I am hoping the picture comes up when I hit publish. I usually only knit on this away from the house as the dogs keep pestering me. Have to do"idiot" knitting when they are around.
OK here goes.. let's see if the photo works. It does. Now that is an ego booster.!!! Every can use one of those every so often.
Not much else to say today or at least right now. Later?
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
mother stories memoir section
My mother’s family was full of stories. If two of the group got together the tales began and a rich family history was instilled into the younger members who sat around listening. We would moan not that one again but we would listen and then they became part of us. The “courting ones took my souls and several are still part of my romantic spirit.
Aunt Lizzie was Grandma Janie’s sister whom I remember for her candy making skills. Fondant eggs, chocolate bunnies. Fudge in all flavors especially one called penuche came from her kitchen along with tons of loves for family. But that same family gave her problems when John McClellan came courting. Lizzie was never one to get dressed up unless there was a specific event coming up. So Janie and Frank used to delay telling her that John was coming over, and he would arrive to find her hair in disarray and wearing one of the oldest dresses she owned. She would get flustered and run to change while he along with my grandparents giggled. Now his courting was a big thing to her as she was as they used to say” on the shelf but well into her late twenties when he started to call.
How he stuck it out was a wonder to the entire family as he was tricked as well as Lizzie. As this was in the early 1900s most of the wooing was conducted in the parlor with family nearby, and my grandmother was neat freak so he would remove his over boots before coming into the house Often during the winter my aunts and uncles would fill his boots with water and if he stayed too long they were blocks of ice. Undeterred he kept at it until they married--- perhaps so he could have wearable boots in the winter.
Not long after that Mom’s oldest sister Mary became of age, and the boys began to call. Mary was not particularly interested in settling down as she was the oldest child of a large family and number nine had yet to arrive. Charles Doge however had set his eye on her and the young engineer was determined. He put up with taking all the little kids out to ice cream with them or bringing with him so they could eat it in the dining room as he plead his case in the parlor. He even kept at when two of the younger siblings hid behind the couch to see what Mary and Charlie were doing in the parlor only to be discovered when they missed the ice cream treat. All in all the decision to marry was made in part when J.V. sibling number was a newborn and a lady at the country store was overheard by Mary saying,” that oldest Shubert girl must have had that baby as “Jane is too old for a new little one.”
My uncles handled their courting days in different ways two. The most interesting was Tony. He had always been a little more daring in his life than his siblings style and worked away from home. One day he showed up with a young lady and spent the day. Night came on ,and it was obvious they planned on spending the night. Grandma Janie started to put Bertha up in the girl’s side when Tony said” She ‘s my wife. We have been married a year so we can sleep together.” Janie snapped “ not in my house” and marched Bertha to girls’ hall. This sleeping arrangement by the way once we cousins were old enough to understand had us guessing how nine children came about when they slept apart. Myself, I always wondered about the large linen closet.
My grandmother Janie was a neat freak The house had to be just so and the girls were her work force. Mom often talked about scrubbing and waxing the floor. Janie would stand behind the girl who was scrubbing a cast iron skillet in her hands or a wooden spoon admonishing them “ to polish it in the corner.” Mom said when it was her turn she used to whisper to herself “polly sh** in the corner.”
School tales are part of every family. I have two favorites from mom’s family. The first concerns my Aunt Mary. She was teaching school in a combine classroom. There were several grades in the room and a younger sibling in each of the classes. Mary had a fiery temper and often tossed whatever was in her hand at the unruly pupil. One winter day , it was her younger brother who disrupted class several times .She grabbed her keys and tossed them. Tony stood up, caught the keys and tossed them into the wood burning stove in the center of the room.
My favorite school tale has my mom as the star. In her day the high school domestic arts class taught knitting, crochet, tatting and of course ,sewing. The class project for one year was a pair of black nankeen bloomers decorated with yellow tatting. This was in the late 20s as Mom graduated in 1930 so bloomers were not really the bees knees. Mom was told she made them so she had to wear them—one fo the few faced with such an ultimatum. So off she went toward the school but several blocks down the street she detoured into an outhouse where she stripped off the bloomers and folded them neatly to wait for her return. She stopped in on the way home for lunch and donned the bloomers, stopped in and returned them to the bench on her way back to afternoon classes and stopped in again after school and put them on for the final trip home. Not one of siblings gave her away and an older sister lent her a more modern pair of under wear so she did not go commando to class. Family is there when you need them.
Mom stars in another semi school related tale. She was hired to cook for a teacher whose wife was ill. One day he brought home an eel for her to cook. He sketched out the process and into the pot went the eel. Only he forgot to tell her how to put the eel in so the dorsal nerve would not shrink as the eel cooked. She slid it in the wrong way and when she checked the shrinking nerve had the eel “swimming “ in the pot. She screamed so loud the neighbors came to see if she had had an accident. She never took another class from that teacher.
Aunt Lizzie was Grandma Janie’s sister whom I remember for her candy making skills. Fondant eggs, chocolate bunnies. Fudge in all flavors especially one called penuche came from her kitchen along with tons of loves for family. But that same family gave her problems when John McClellan came courting. Lizzie was never one to get dressed up unless there was a specific event coming up. So Janie and Frank used to delay telling her that John was coming over, and he would arrive to find her hair in disarray and wearing one of the oldest dresses she owned. She would get flustered and run to change while he along with my grandparents giggled. Now his courting was a big thing to her as she was as they used to say” on the shelf but well into her late twenties when he started to call.
How he stuck it out was a wonder to the entire family as he was tricked as well as Lizzie. As this was in the early 1900s most of the wooing was conducted in the parlor with family nearby, and my grandmother was neat freak so he would remove his over boots before coming into the house Often during the winter my aunts and uncles would fill his boots with water and if he stayed too long they were blocks of ice. Undeterred he kept at it until they married--- perhaps so he could have wearable boots in the winter.
Not long after that Mom’s oldest sister Mary became of age, and the boys began to call. Mary was not particularly interested in settling down as she was the oldest child of a large family and number nine had yet to arrive. Charles Doge however had set his eye on her and the young engineer was determined. He put up with taking all the little kids out to ice cream with them or bringing with him so they could eat it in the dining room as he plead his case in the parlor. He even kept at when two of the younger siblings hid behind the couch to see what Mary and Charlie were doing in the parlor only to be discovered when they missed the ice cream treat. All in all the decision to marry was made in part when J.V. sibling number was a newborn and a lady at the country store was overheard by Mary saying,” that oldest Shubert girl must have had that baby as “Jane is too old for a new little one.”
My uncles handled their courting days in different ways two. The most interesting was Tony. He had always been a little more daring in his life than his siblings style and worked away from home. One day he showed up with a young lady and spent the day. Night came on ,and it was obvious they planned on spending the night. Grandma Janie started to put Bertha up in the girl’s side when Tony said” She ‘s my wife. We have been married a year so we can sleep together.” Janie snapped “ not in my house” and marched Bertha to girls’ hall. This sleeping arrangement by the way once we cousins were old enough to understand had us guessing how nine children came about when they slept apart. Myself, I always wondered about the large linen closet.
My grandmother Janie was a neat freak The house had to be just so and the girls were her work force. Mom often talked about scrubbing and waxing the floor. Janie would stand behind the girl who was scrubbing a cast iron skillet in her hands or a wooden spoon admonishing them “ to polish it in the corner.” Mom said when it was her turn she used to whisper to herself “polly sh** in the corner.”
School tales are part of every family. I have two favorites from mom’s family. The first concerns my Aunt Mary. She was teaching school in a combine classroom. There were several grades in the room and a younger sibling in each of the classes. Mary had a fiery temper and often tossed whatever was in her hand at the unruly pupil. One winter day , it was her younger brother who disrupted class several times .She grabbed her keys and tossed them. Tony stood up, caught the keys and tossed them into the wood burning stove in the center of the room.
My favorite school tale has my mom as the star. In her day the high school domestic arts class taught knitting, crochet, tatting and of course ,sewing. The class project for one year was a pair of black nankeen bloomers decorated with yellow tatting. This was in the late 20s as Mom graduated in 1930 so bloomers were not really the bees knees. Mom was told she made them so she had to wear them—one fo the few faced with such an ultimatum. So off she went toward the school but several blocks down the street she detoured into an outhouse where she stripped off the bloomers and folded them neatly to wait for her return. She stopped in on the way home for lunch and donned the bloomers, stopped in and returned them to the bench on her way back to afternoon classes and stopped in again after school and put them on for the final trip home. Not one of siblings gave her away and an older sister lent her a more modern pair of under wear so she did not go commando to class. Family is there when you need them.
Mom stars in another semi school related tale. She was hired to cook for a teacher whose wife was ill. One day he brought home an eel for her to cook. He sketched out the process and into the pot went the eel. Only he forgot to tell her how to put the eel in so the dorsal nerve would not shrink as the eel cooked. She slid it in the wrong way and when she checked the shrinking nerve had the eel “swimming “ in the pot. She screamed so loud the neighbors came to see if she had had an accident. She never took another class from that teacher.
Monday, May 26, 2014
holiday--memorial day thoughts
Memorial day and we have a rock concert on Today. Some way to start a day dedicated to vets, but that is part of being a holiday along with beer and brats ads. Facebook is full of remember the vets memes ,but do all those who post them really know why we have this day.I do not intend to lecture, but I sincerely hope they do.
My night classes for the local judo ow contain at least one vet if not more. They are a varied lot.Some seem to have weathered the ravages of war;others not so much. One of the first to take my class started to fine . He ha some steel plate in his skull due to an idd but was ok. As the semester progressed, his physical condition went down hill, he began to walk stiffly, sit only for limited moments and by the end of the semester he was ing a cane. I saw him during the spring semester and he said he was facing a surgery to hopefully stop the losses. Another was more recent, he could not use his fingers easily to write with a pen or pencil but he got through the VA a dragon system that typed what he said.
Those visibly wounded are easier to deal with. It is inner wounded that I feel for every day. One young girl took two semesters to finish beginning comp. Her body language told me when she had had enough and would not be back to class. I finally wrote and sounding I am sure like an officer and told her to get her rear in gear and return. She did but the struggle was there very class. Another young man did the same thing but he did not respond to prompting from me or his classmates. He recently enrolled in a summer class to begin in June but he has already dropped that.He once said he could fix things even things he had blown up but life back here was tough to fix.He really is on my mind today and I pray he does not become a suicide statistic.
They return not completely whole;they are walking wounded. They return to families that love them but somehow expect them to be the same. They are not. They come back feeling a sense of responsibility. That young girl went to live with a grandparent who needed care and the boy who quit is supporting his mother. The other two are in struggling relationships with young children involved. They fight back the terrors, the memories and with a stiff upper lip; they do their duty here as the did it there.
Not one of these people said the VA was bad though I am sure some do. It is not perfect system;they realize this. They are glad it is there with all its flaws but they are not complainers for the most part. They are doers and when they felt the call they did what they felt they should too.
So as you listen to the music, pop a can ,and grill your brats think about the reason behind the holiday.
My night classes for the local judo ow contain at least one vet if not more. They are a varied lot.Some seem to have weathered the ravages of war;others not so much. One of the first to take my class started to fine . He ha some steel plate in his skull due to an idd but was ok. As the semester progressed, his physical condition went down hill, he began to walk stiffly, sit only for limited moments and by the end of the semester he was ing a cane. I saw him during the spring semester and he said he was facing a surgery to hopefully stop the losses. Another was more recent, he could not use his fingers easily to write with a pen or pencil but he got through the VA a dragon system that typed what he said.
Those visibly wounded are easier to deal with. It is inner wounded that I feel for every day. One young girl took two semesters to finish beginning comp. Her body language told me when she had had enough and would not be back to class. I finally wrote and sounding I am sure like an officer and told her to get her rear in gear and return. She did but the struggle was there very class. Another young man did the same thing but he did not respond to prompting from me or his classmates. He recently enrolled in a summer class to begin in June but he has already dropped that.He once said he could fix things even things he had blown up but life back here was tough to fix.He really is on my mind today and I pray he does not become a suicide statistic.
They return not completely whole;they are walking wounded. They return to families that love them but somehow expect them to be the same. They are not. They come back feeling a sense of responsibility. That young girl went to live with a grandparent who needed care and the boy who quit is supporting his mother. The other two are in struggling relationships with young children involved. They fight back the terrors, the memories and with a stiff upper lip; they do their duty here as the did it there.
Not one of these people said the VA was bad though I am sure some do. It is not perfect system;they realize this. They are glad it is there with all its flaws but they are not complainers for the most part. They are doers and when they felt the call they did what they felt they should too.
So as you listen to the music, pop a can ,and grill your brats think about the reason behind the holiday.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Saturday session
The skies have cleared, AND IT IS MUGGY. so glad I am not out on a boat or camping trip. They are fun but heat and I do not get along. Have done some writing and have some things yet to do but lazy has set in. We all have those days but this one hit me early and has progressed. Oh well, this too shall pass.
One thing is hard for me is to have someone I care for in pain. in the past several weeks tow of granddaughters have had a virus or strep that knocked them down for over a week. So wanted to be there for them but distance did not allow be there to run them whoever they wanted to eat or drink. Today another friend was working despite a really bad back. I winced inside when I saw her walk but I had tried to be positive. Still being home i keep thinking and wondering how she is. Thankfully her family is really good to help her.
There are people around Hutchinson. Kansas ( yes, eve here) that stubble to feed children, maintain , shelter, pay bills and feel good about themselves. As a teacher and citizen I hear too often that they are lazy, drug user, amoral no good drains on the taxpayers. NO they are not. I have parents who work several jobs to survive and still care for their parents. They work but need the reduced meals for their kids and there are plenty who need it but are too proud to take it. churches used to reach out to these people and I do not see as mud of this as before. I wonder if the services to good working people who need a boost are cut again and again to provide tax cuts to better off people will the churches return to their old charitable practices? It scares me that I see politics who bio themselves as CHRISTIANs rooting policies that hurt those who need a boost.
Did I get progress on the memoir? Yes, I am writing maternal stories from my mother's family. There is material galore but it takes time to decide how to do it and now that i have written it I want to revise it and more than likely will when I go to Windbreak House. Just want to get stuff down so I can get it focused , revised and on the road to something worth reading. Linda Hasslestrom you have your work cut out for you a the end of June. I just hope I do not frustrate you too much.
Am getting politically active too in the coming election as I am a volunteer for Docking-Davis.Uusally I am an independent but can not countenance any other choice this time. So putting action where my thoughts flow. My work, my vote, they count. If you do neither then do not complain about the state of the state, nation or world, enough said for now. expect me to get more wound up later.
One thing is hard for me is to have someone I care for in pain. in the past several weeks tow of granddaughters have had a virus or strep that knocked them down for over a week. So wanted to be there for them but distance did not allow be there to run them whoever they wanted to eat or drink. Today another friend was working despite a really bad back. I winced inside when I saw her walk but I had tried to be positive. Still being home i keep thinking and wondering how she is. Thankfully her family is really good to help her.
There are people around Hutchinson. Kansas ( yes, eve here) that stubble to feed children, maintain , shelter, pay bills and feel good about themselves. As a teacher and citizen I hear too often that they are lazy, drug user, amoral no good drains on the taxpayers. NO they are not. I have parents who work several jobs to survive and still care for their parents. They work but need the reduced meals for their kids and there are plenty who need it but are too proud to take it. churches used to reach out to these people and I do not see as mud of this as before. I wonder if the services to good working people who need a boost are cut again and again to provide tax cuts to better off people will the churches return to their old charitable practices? It scares me that I see politics who bio themselves as CHRISTIANs rooting policies that hurt those who need a boost.
Did I get progress on the memoir? Yes, I am writing maternal stories from my mother's family. There is material galore but it takes time to decide how to do it and now that i have written it I want to revise it and more than likely will when I go to Windbreak House. Just want to get stuff down so I can get it focused , revised and on the road to something worth reading. Linda Hasslestrom you have your work cut out for you a the end of June. I just hope I do not frustrate you too much.
Am getting politically active too in the coming election as I am a volunteer for Docking-Davis.Uusally I am an independent but can not countenance any other choice this time. So putting action where my thoughts flow. My work, my vote, they count. If you do neither then do not complain about the state of the state, nation or world, enough said for now. expect me to get more wound up later.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Rain is coming down---heavy now but it began at 8 and has gone on in various downpour to muzzle forms. I love rainy days. We need the rain and it is welcome in any form. But my soul loves rainy days, it brings back days in the summer at my grandmother's in an attic bedroom or on the porch listening to the sound rain as I read.I liked them at home especially during the years we lived on the Missouri farm were i had an upstairs bedroom with dormer windows.
The dogs are all settled. Boba is on the floor where he can watch it fall, Winston on the pillow near me asI type and Zoe on her favorite top of the couch perch. Rain seems to calm them unless there is a lot of noise with it. Loud sounds bother him. Potty time gets interesting as none of them like being denched by rain but Winston minds it the least.
So not much but I have posted. I am typing with new nails and that is a real adjustment.More later.
The dogs are all settled. Boba is on the floor where he can watch it fall, Winston on the pillow near me asI type and Zoe on her favorite top of the couch perch. Rain seems to calm them unless there is a lot of noise with it. Loud sounds bother him. Potty time gets interesting as none of them like being denched by rain but Winston minds it the least.
So not much but I have posted. I am typing with new nails and that is a real adjustment.More later.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
mother stories
No apologies here. I am working on a memoir and want some input. I am beginning a section of stories from my mother's family . Let me know what you think This is just one aspect of the tales I heard growing up there will be others.
My mother’s side of my family was full of stories. If two of the group got together the tales began and a rich family history was instilled into the younger members who sat around listening. We would moan not that one again but we would listen and then they became part of us. As a girl the “courting ones took my souls and several are still part of my romantic spirit.
Aunt Lizzie was Grandma Janie’s sister whom I remember for her candy making skills. Fondant eggs, chocolate bunnies. Fudge in all flavors especially one called penuche came from her kitchen along with tons of loves for family. But that same family gave her problems when John McClellan came courting. Lizzie was never one to get dressed up unless there was a specific have to event coming up. So Janie and Frank used to delay telling her that John was coming over, and he would arrive to find her hair in disarray and her dress one of the oldest she owned. She would get flustered and run to change while he along with my grandparents giggled. Now his courting was a big thing to her as she was as they used to say” on the shelf” or not a flighty teen but well into her late twenties when he started to call.
How he stuck it out was a wonder to the entire family as he was tricked as well as Lizzie. As this was in the early 1900s most of the wooing was conducted in the parlor with family nearby, and my grandmother was neat freak so he would remove his over boots before coming into the house on rainy or wintery days. Often during the winter my aunts and uncles would fill his boots with water and if he stayed too long they were blocks of ice when he went to leave. Still undeterred he kept at it until they married perhaps so he could have wearable boots in the winter.
Not long after that Mom’s oldest sister Mary became of age and the boys began to call. Mary was not particularly interested in settling down as she was the oldest child of a large family and number nine had yet to arrive. Charles Doge however had set his eye on her and the young engineer was determined. He put up with taking all the little kids out to ice cream with them or bringing with him so they could eat it in the dining room as he plead his case in the parlor. He even kept at when two of the younger siblings hid behind the couch to see what Mary and Charlie were doing in the parlor only to be discovered when they missed the ice cream treat. All in all the decision to marry was made in part when J.V. sibling number was a newborn and a lady at the country store was overheard by Mary saying,” that oldest Shubert girl must have had that baby as Jane is too old for a new little one.”
My uncles handled their courting days in different ways too. The most interesting was Tony. He had always been a little more daring in his life than his siblings' lifestyles and worked away from home. One day he showed up with a young lady and spent the day. Night came on and it was obvious they planned on spending the night. Grandma Janie started to put Bertha up in the girl’s side( males slept on one end of the hall even grandpa; Girl on the other with grandma) when Tony said” She ‘s my wife. We have been married a year so we can sleep together.” Janie snapped “ not in my house” and marched Bertha to girls’ hall. This sleeping arrangement by the way once we cousins were old enough to understand had us guessing ow nine children were the result when they slept apart. Myself, I always wondered about the large linen closet.
My mother’s side of my family was full of stories. If two of the group got together the tales began and a rich family history was instilled into the younger members who sat around listening. We would moan not that one again but we would listen and then they became part of us. As a girl the “courting ones took my souls and several are still part of my romantic spirit.
Aunt Lizzie was Grandma Janie’s sister whom I remember for her candy making skills. Fondant eggs, chocolate bunnies. Fudge in all flavors especially one called penuche came from her kitchen along with tons of loves for family. But that same family gave her problems when John McClellan came courting. Lizzie was never one to get dressed up unless there was a specific have to event coming up. So Janie and Frank used to delay telling her that John was coming over, and he would arrive to find her hair in disarray and her dress one of the oldest she owned. She would get flustered and run to change while he along with my grandparents giggled. Now his courting was a big thing to her as she was as they used to say” on the shelf” or not a flighty teen but well into her late twenties when he started to call.
How he stuck it out was a wonder to the entire family as he was tricked as well as Lizzie. As this was in the early 1900s most of the wooing was conducted in the parlor with family nearby, and my grandmother was neat freak so he would remove his over boots before coming into the house on rainy or wintery days. Often during the winter my aunts and uncles would fill his boots with water and if he stayed too long they were blocks of ice when he went to leave. Still undeterred he kept at it until they married perhaps so he could have wearable boots in the winter.
Not long after that Mom’s oldest sister Mary became of age and the boys began to call. Mary was not particularly interested in settling down as she was the oldest child of a large family and number nine had yet to arrive. Charles Doge however had set his eye on her and the young engineer was determined. He put up with taking all the little kids out to ice cream with them or bringing with him so they could eat it in the dining room as he plead his case in the parlor. He even kept at when two of the younger siblings hid behind the couch to see what Mary and Charlie were doing in the parlor only to be discovered when they missed the ice cream treat. All in all the decision to marry was made in part when J.V. sibling number was a newborn and a lady at the country store was overheard by Mary saying,” that oldest Shubert girl must have had that baby as Jane is too old for a new little one.”
My uncles handled their courting days in different ways too. The most interesting was Tony. He had always been a little more daring in his life than his siblings' lifestyles and worked away from home. One day he showed up with a young lady and spent the day. Night came on and it was obvious they planned on spending the night. Grandma Janie started to put Bertha up in the girl’s side( males slept on one end of the hall even grandpa; Girl on the other with grandma) when Tony said” She ‘s my wife. We have been married a year so we can sleep together.” Janie snapped “ not in my house” and marched Bertha to girls’ hall. This sleeping arrangement by the way once we cousins were old enough to understand had us guessing ow nine children were the result when they slept apart. Myself, I always wondered about the large linen closet.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Even before the day begins I know it is going to be one of those days. Not not horrible, no bad news etc., but one where what I have to do has no deadlines, no pressure, no half todo it now list. Oh there is list; there always is. It is just one where nay i will know if it is done and frankly today my get up and do it done flew out the window some time yesterday. Summer does that that to me.I do better when my personal task time is limited by my work tasks. guess that is why full retirement is not yet looked to as a blessing. I fear turning into a pj wearing, book, reading, sweater knitting, coffee drinking do nothing.
Sometimes I wonder why these days arrive as I am not usually unmotivated. I am a do it , get done gal. But then I hit one of these brick wall days and every thing that gets done is done as if it weighs tons. As I said earlier they happen more often when I do not have a set schedule, but in truth they do happen that often. Also I am fully aware the tasks that get delayed are those I do not particularly enjoy and grocery shopping is one of them. In fact I choose to go to the smallest Dillons in Hutch as it is compact, choices are limited and I am in and out quickly. the necessities are there and my prayers were answered when they put IAMS dog food on the shelf. My world was made complete and easier.
I have been reading the new Longmire book by Craig Johnson and once again am in the west world. John Wayne tough Sheriff in the modern world. He rings so true so true I can expect to meet him on the street. the supporting characters add to the book bliss. Vic is a gutsy, independent woman and Lucian the retire sherif is just the rascally mentor the Longmire needed to be what has become. Oddly I cam across this series by accident through the tv series ( excellent by the way) which begins its third season june second on A%E. this is only the second time this has happened. The first was The Dresden Files from the Jim Butcher series but it only had a single season,Yet when I read and I have read them all I see Dreseden looking like Harry Blackthorne who portrayed them.
While I am at it. let me tell you the C.J.Box series about a wily park ranger is great reading too. Have to thank Okema Shaw for introducing me to Joe. No real visual model for him but I love the books but have not read them in order. Just dipping my foot in the Yellowstone area he patrols when I find one and finding they do well as stand alines.
Dana Stabenow is another local writer I love. Kate and her Alaska are always worthy of an all night reading session and i am awaiting the next one. her silk road trilogy is doing wells a read but I have to say Kate and Mutt hold my heart.
Cozy mysteries also fil my shelves/ Susan Wittig Albert and Joan Fluke are hardback favorites. Kate Carlisle,Juliet Blackwell, Cleo Coyle paperbacks are on my reading table. M.K.Rose is also there with her somewhat gothic. romantic, mystery mix that makes the pages turn.
Hey something has come up and my energy level is up to it. Can you guess what it is? No surprises there, I bet. Oh yes I am going to write.
Sometimes I wonder why these days arrive as I am not usually unmotivated. I am a do it , get done gal. But then I hit one of these brick wall days and every thing that gets done is done as if it weighs tons. As I said earlier they happen more often when I do not have a set schedule, but in truth they do happen that often. Also I am fully aware the tasks that get delayed are those I do not particularly enjoy and grocery shopping is one of them. In fact I choose to go to the smallest Dillons in Hutch as it is compact, choices are limited and I am in and out quickly. the necessities are there and my prayers were answered when they put IAMS dog food on the shelf. My world was made complete and easier.
I have been reading the new Longmire book by Craig Johnson and once again am in the west world. John Wayne tough Sheriff in the modern world. He rings so true so true I can expect to meet him on the street. the supporting characters add to the book bliss. Vic is a gutsy, independent woman and Lucian the retire sherif is just the rascally mentor the Longmire needed to be what has become. Oddly I cam across this series by accident through the tv series ( excellent by the way) which begins its third season june second on A%E. this is only the second time this has happened. The first was The Dresden Files from the Jim Butcher series but it only had a single season,Yet when I read and I have read them all I see Dreseden looking like Harry Blackthorne who portrayed them.
While I am at it. let me tell you the C.J.Box series about a wily park ranger is great reading too. Have to thank Okema Shaw for introducing me to Joe. No real visual model for him but I love the books but have not read them in order. Just dipping my foot in the Yellowstone area he patrols when I find one and finding they do well as stand alines.
Dana Stabenow is another local writer I love. Kate and her Alaska are always worthy of an all night reading session and i am awaiting the next one. her silk road trilogy is doing wells a read but I have to say Kate and Mutt hold my heart.
Cozy mysteries also fil my shelves/ Susan Wittig Albert and Joan Fluke are hardback favorites. Kate Carlisle,Juliet Blackwell, Cleo Coyle paperbacks are on my reading table. M.K.Rose is also there with her somewhat gothic. romantic, mystery mix that makes the pages turn.
Hey something has come up and my energy level is up to it. Can you guess what it is? No surprises there, I bet. Oh yes I am going to write.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
The sun is beginning to peep through the rain and so it is a glittery wet dawn. I have been up nearly and hour so shower and dishes are both done. I am dressed and ready to run to mass. Sundays are mine or they usually are. Today will be for sure. I am trying to decide on a new television for the kitchen/family room. Mine there is 7 years old and now comes on for a few minutes and loses its picture and sound but the power light blinks for days before it goes off. Mysteries of technology at times get to me. However plugging new one in may be an adventure as i can not move the entrainment center to do so. So I think an extension coed will do unit a child visits. life as a senior presents challenges but honestly even 20 years ago moving that sucker would be tough.
I have been writing but not on anything creative. Mostly editing what has been written and plotting some plans and keeping college students posted. Hope to get to the writing I love soon --maybe even later today.
Signed on to work for the Davis Docking governor's challenge to Brownback. Hard to upset an incumbent governor in a by election but I passionately believe this has to be done. He is what America will be if the koch ad big money are not given an ouster by interested ,involved and pro-active citizens. It is evident the supreme court believes corporations should be viewed as living breathing entities. Well they are entities but they are not humans and their practices do not help those they employ. Enough of that for aSunday, but please forget red and blue and vote for what is best forKansas and I believe it is not Brownback. You can ask why in person, I am in the phone book, and there is a comment section with this blog.
Looks like i might have company the 29th for Our Lady"s fiesta and then the following weekend the Loganbill reunion will bring Robbie and CeCe to the state. Hope the plans work out so I can see them. Classes at HCC will begin June 3rd for me so the timing is right for the visits.
Not much to say maybe something will come up later today.
I have been writing but not on anything creative. Mostly editing what has been written and plotting some plans and keeping college students posted. Hope to get to the writing I love soon --maybe even later today.
Signed on to work for the Davis Docking governor's challenge to Brownback. Hard to upset an incumbent governor in a by election but I passionately believe this has to be done. He is what America will be if the koch ad big money are not given an ouster by interested ,involved and pro-active citizens. It is evident the supreme court believes corporations should be viewed as living breathing entities. Well they are entities but they are not humans and their practices do not help those they employ. Enough of that for aSunday, but please forget red and blue and vote for what is best forKansas and I believe it is not Brownback. You can ask why in person, I am in the phone book, and there is a comment section with this blog.
Looks like i might have company the 29th for Our Lady"s fiesta and then the following weekend the Loganbill reunion will bring Robbie and CeCe to the state. Hope the plans work out so I can see them. Classes at HCC will begin June 3rd for me so the timing is right for the visits.
Not much to say maybe something will come up later today.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Though I am not vegetarian ,I love vegetables and I love enterprising young people. that is why I have followed Green Kitchen stories for over a year. Now they are on you tube and my mouth will water whenI watch their videos. I may not go for all their meals but the recipes i have tried or variations on them I have loved. Here is a link to watch their story: then go and watch the videos. I think the blueberry yogurt popsicles are the bomb.
This is a barefaced plug of something I find interesting. The real blog will come later.
This is a barefaced plug of something I find interesting. The real blog will come later.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
foodie day
Aromas can really activate things. Right now I am smelling fennel , onions, carrots, garlic roasting slowly with pork for my supper. Easy enough to do and so good. Only drawback is smelling the aroma as it cooks as my appetite build with each passing moment.Fennel ( anise in some markets) is underused around this area in my mind. Yep, it has a licorice taste when raw but it is soft ends and becomes nutty when cooked. Like parsnips in it s all in the preparations.
Endive is not used much either but sliced into a salad ( and you can do this with fennel also) or cooked with ham and cheese it is a real wow factor. Roses, nasturtiums and geraniums can all be used in salads, and squash blossoms can be stuffed or deep fried. At first these unusual for a midwestern USA palate were a bit odd, but cooking shows and reading got to me and I tried them. Amazing what we can learn when we let go of old in the rut ideas and venture out of our comfort zone.
Foods are such a memory spur. Molasses cookies in the often will bring my grandmother into the room. I can see her mixing them in her Ohio kitchen and the blue roaster she stored them in as if they were here with me. roast beef and Yorkshire pudding( bit as mom called it) brings my mother back to me in all her spitfire glory. Such memories tied with food---Warm out of the oven home made bread with butter and sugar melting on it( Grandma James), tea and custard( grandma Shubert), old black witch quick bread( my girls growing up). Every time I pull out a family recipe the memories of the cooks before me join me as I cook and enrich the product with their remembered love.
Another spur in the aroma class comes from the males in my life. Old Spice and my Dad is there with his huge protective cloak around me. Pipe tobacco brings back Grandpa Shubert though his shade is fleeting as he died when I was very young, but Uncle Jim Lynn joins him and lends his quiet self to the memories.Pine tar (now that is odd but true) brings back my Aunt Anna Mae who used that shampoo occasionally and it is more a male scent than a female one.
For me at least aromas make the memory vault open easily. Music, words, places they work too but aromas are the strongest of all of these spurs. Which ones work for you?
Endive is not used much either but sliced into a salad ( and you can do this with fennel also) or cooked with ham and cheese it is a real wow factor. Roses, nasturtiums and geraniums can all be used in salads, and squash blossoms can be stuffed or deep fried. At first these unusual for a midwestern USA palate were a bit odd, but cooking shows and reading got to me and I tried them. Amazing what we can learn when we let go of old in the rut ideas and venture out of our comfort zone.
Foods are such a memory spur. Molasses cookies in the often will bring my grandmother into the room. I can see her mixing them in her Ohio kitchen and the blue roaster she stored them in as if they were here with me. roast beef and Yorkshire pudding( bit as mom called it) brings my mother back to me in all her spitfire glory. Such memories tied with food---Warm out of the oven home made bread with butter and sugar melting on it( Grandma James), tea and custard( grandma Shubert), old black witch quick bread( my girls growing up). Every time I pull out a family recipe the memories of the cooks before me join me as I cook and enrich the product with their remembered love.
Another spur in the aroma class comes from the males in my life. Old Spice and my Dad is there with his huge protective cloak around me. Pipe tobacco brings back Grandpa Shubert though his shade is fleeting as he died when I was very young, but Uncle Jim Lynn joins him and lends his quiet self to the memories.Pine tar (now that is odd but true) brings back my Aunt Anna Mae who used that shampoo occasionally and it is more a male scent than a female one.
For me at least aromas make the memory vault open easily. Music, words, places they work too but aromas are the strongest of all of these spurs. Which ones work for you?
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
local highlights and thoughts.
Tuesday and it has bee a run around day. Early coffee, Mass, back to knit a bit, dogs to groomer, groceries, lunch and waiting for dogs get dogs. Now I am at sit mode but I was a good girl and did get a walk in and doubled my distance. Think I will be walking in the A street park tomorrow in AM, will knit with morning group ,and then get meds and fox summer film tickets.
Fox theater's film series are a great boon to my well being. $40.00 for the films and that is for two people with free popcorn. This summer films range from Frozen to August osage county. The theater is a renovated to period elegance and the audience is polite enough to not use phones during the film. This is my third set of season tickets and I enjoy the fact that I can invite a pal to join me for less than a drink costs at a regular theater. I guess though I am a movie buff I do not need to see a film the first time it is shown and 9.OO for a ticket and popcorn for 8.OO is excessive as I can see it later on television or in the elegance of the Fox. Hutchinson citizens if you have not been there, you must go. One of the best deals in town.
Hutch Recreation is another gem in the city's crown. Activities abound there from a coffee and pie club for seniors to sports for all ages and populations. Crafts and trips it is all there fro a small fee. It opens doors so people of all ages can meet, mix and mingle. Give it a try or if you are seƱor there are similar events at Delos V. Smith.
Another favorite is about to enter our lives for its limited run again---The farmer's market Saturday morns and Wednesdays after lunch fresh garden produce and interesting products are there to walk through. Home grown tomatoes are a gift from mother nature. home baked bread and pies tempt the palate. So put it on your to do list until it ends in October.
Sometimes people overlook local and head off toothed places. It is a case of a Prophet is not known in his own home syndrome. If it is local, it must be mundane and therefore uninteresting. People bemoan our mall but if you ask where they shopped when it was here, the answer is often Wichita or Maize. If the stores do not have customers they cannot make expenses no matter how low or how high the rents are. Having only lived in Hutchinson during the mall's declining years, I can not say for sure that lack of local customers helped it die but having seen this in other towns of similar size I would suspect it was a good part of the problem. Enough said as I might be stepping on toes.
Let me say I do my best to shop locally. big box stores and chains do not attract me unless it is the only place I can get what I need. Mom and Pop ,local business people put their money back into the town. It does not go to a larger office miles away. Oh yes chains pay local people but as little as possible and expect loyalty from their employees to purchase things there not away from the store which pays them. let me ask you to consider buying from a local business, you may a bit more but they will know your name and they will make errors right with a lot less fuss. Support them.
Fox theater's film series are a great boon to my well being. $40.00 for the films and that is for two people with free popcorn. This summer films range from Frozen to August osage county. The theater is a renovated to period elegance and the audience is polite enough to not use phones during the film. This is my third set of season tickets and I enjoy the fact that I can invite a pal to join me for less than a drink costs at a regular theater. I guess though I am a movie buff I do not need to see a film the first time it is shown and 9.OO for a ticket and popcorn for 8.OO is excessive as I can see it later on television or in the elegance of the Fox. Hutchinson citizens if you have not been there, you must go. One of the best deals in town.
Hutch Recreation is another gem in the city's crown. Activities abound there from a coffee and pie club for seniors to sports for all ages and populations. Crafts and trips it is all there fro a small fee. It opens doors so people of all ages can meet, mix and mingle. Give it a try or if you are seƱor there are similar events at Delos V. Smith.
Another favorite is about to enter our lives for its limited run again---The farmer's market Saturday morns and Wednesdays after lunch fresh garden produce and interesting products are there to walk through. Home grown tomatoes are a gift from mother nature. home baked bread and pies tempt the palate. So put it on your to do list until it ends in October.
Sometimes people overlook local and head off toothed places. It is a case of a Prophet is not known in his own home syndrome. If it is local, it must be mundane and therefore uninteresting. People bemoan our mall but if you ask where they shopped when it was here, the answer is often Wichita or Maize. If the stores do not have customers they cannot make expenses no matter how low or how high the rents are. Having only lived in Hutchinson during the mall's declining years, I can not say for sure that lack of local customers helped it die but having seen this in other towns of similar size I would suspect it was a good part of the problem. Enough said as I might be stepping on toes.
Let me say I do my best to shop locally. big box stores and chains do not attract me unless it is the only place I can get what I need. Mom and Pop ,local business people put their money back into the town. It does not go to a larger office miles away. Oh yes chains pay local people but as little as possible and expect loyalty from their employees to purchase things there not away from the store which pays them. let me ask you to consider buying from a local business, you may a bit more but they will know your name and they will make errors right with a lot less fuss. Support them.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Well ,as Arnie and MacArthur, would say I am back. It has not been a outstandingly productive day but I can live with that. I did do a small walk and used an app to log it. when it gets long enough to make pals wince i shall post it.Lol but that may be a long while. Garbage got carried out, things sorted, bathed and dressed( which puts me ahead of yesterday) and I am about to do a grocery list for tomorrow an i n less than 3 hours I am off to begin actively trying oust Brownback from office. Nothing violent mind you but I am going to work for the Davis-Docking ticket until the last vote is counted.
Oh yes, I also edited apiece of writing I did on Grandma James' blue roaster and cookie recipes.Now I am thinking about one that uses old black witch cake as the focal point and how my girls loved that recipe and the book series it came from.
Hope to use them in the memoir I am seriously working on called for a working title TABLE TALES. Do you readers dear recall family tales that kept being retold whenever the family gathered and ate a meal? Do they linger in your memory and do you recall how they differed when a different storyteller told them? Or were you from one of those stiff upper lip families where tales were never the focus of a gathering? My parents represented both sides of the scale but I still have a heritage of tales to share so my family can know their history both happy and sad.
Texting. twitter and such have their place but they do not have space to give the emotional content, the love, the laughter . etc that happened around a family table after the dishes were cleared. They are not meant too, but for the life of me the posting of such gems as "I am up" and " drinking coffee at______" is a bit unnecessary to me though they do keep fans of the form in touch. So this memoir is to allow my family to have the tales and since they are a family of readers , I imagine some of them will read it.
Enough on that subject. I have begun my summer to do list. Tuesday and Thursday early coffee at Brewed Awakewning, then Mass, a bit of knitting and home to write. Wednesday knitting in pm at brewed Awakening, cleaning and writing in the AM. Friday- sunday whatever whenever. Tuesday nights after the 3 of June I will be teaching Comp 102 for HCC. tomorrow is Tuesday so I shall be out and about adding groceries and dog grooming to the list.
A good start to summer.
Oh yes, I also edited apiece of writing I did on Grandma James' blue roaster and cookie recipes.Now I am thinking about one that uses old black witch cake as the focal point and how my girls loved that recipe and the book series it came from.
Hope to use them in the memoir I am seriously working on called for a working title TABLE TALES. Do you readers dear recall family tales that kept being retold whenever the family gathered and ate a meal? Do they linger in your memory and do you recall how they differed when a different storyteller told them? Or were you from one of those stiff upper lip families where tales were never the focus of a gathering? My parents represented both sides of the scale but I still have a heritage of tales to share so my family can know their history both happy and sad.
Texting. twitter and such have their place but they do not have space to give the emotional content, the love, the laughter . etc that happened around a family table after the dishes were cleared. They are not meant too, but for the life of me the posting of such gems as "I am up" and " drinking coffee at______" is a bit unnecessary to me though they do keep fans of the form in touch. So this memoir is to allow my family to have the tales and since they are a family of readers , I imagine some of them will read it.
Enough on that subject. I have begun my summer to do list. Tuesday and Thursday early coffee at Brewed Awakewning, then Mass, a bit of knitting and home to write. Wednesday knitting in pm at brewed Awakening, cleaning and writing in the AM. Friday- sunday whatever whenever. Tuesday nights after the 3 of June I will be teaching Comp 102 for HCC. tomorrow is Tuesday so I shall be out and about adding groceries and dog grooming to the list.
A good start to summer.
Monday, here I am. I am drinking coffee ( French press) and trying to decide the order of my day. there are things to be done and I need a plan. Vacation gives me to many hours to get things done. I am better when there is a set schedule, and even better when part of the schedule is job related. Retirement scares me because of this.
So this summer , I want to walk, TO WRITE, to strip away clutter and to just relax. I need a schedule and then make it happen. this means ignoring Winston's blatant love me pleas. His head on my thigh as I type is distracting but after awhile he will lay down with a disgusted sigh. Zoe and Boba just lay down and wait. Even dogs have personality traits!!
This is brief but I may be back; going to get the habits started.
So this summer , I want to walk, TO WRITE, to strip away clutter and to just relax. I need a schedule and then make it happen. this means ignoring Winston's blatant love me pleas. His head on my thigh as I type is distracting but after awhile he will lay down with a disgusted sigh. Zoe and Boba just lay down and wait. Even dogs have personality traits!!
This is brief but I may be back; going to get the habits started.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
It is a cool,grey early Sunday morning after a late night storm. My cup of French press coffee sits beside the computer and Winston is bedeviling a cheap plastic food dish He is protesting my writing and not playing but today is no play date. The older two dogs are looking at him aghast content with being walked and fed. Maturity does have its merits.
Mass should be attended but unless I go later, I will have to make up for it during the week. The motivation to get dressed is lacking in my psyche today though I can not really explain why. So I shall work in some quiet prayer and reflection and do the church and pew attendance during the week. To be truthful the smaller less formal daily masses are more spiritually rewarding for me. Also I am contemplating taking on an hour of contemplation in the chapel each day if there are any openings--- even just one day a week during the summer when I can do it easily would be good.
My plans for this summer are simple-- to deep clean and get rid of the things I do not use, to write, to read, to write, to knit and to write. Some days are semi -set such as I plan to go to Wed. AM knitting, Tuesday and Thursday AM mass, teach Tuesday evenings during June and July and go to South Dakota in late June to work with Linda Hasselstrom on my writing at Windbreak House, and perhaps vacation in Colorado with one of my girls in August before retuning to the classroom for one more year. Nothing is set in stone except the writing with Linda.
Oh yes, I hope to work in a walk every day starting tomorrow. I need the exercise but like mass today it will depend a lot on my spirit when I get up. By spirit I mean get up and go which some days like today is really in grandma gear and revving up to do is more difficult--especially in heat. Might have to sleep in pjs that can serve as walking gear. Just kidding.
So readers I am going to some different writing as I enjoy my coffee( my keruig died and will not be replaced) and work on some writing to get ready for Windbreak House. Stay well and enjoy your life.
Mass should be attended but unless I go later, I will have to make up for it during the week. The motivation to get dressed is lacking in my psyche today though I can not really explain why. So I shall work in some quiet prayer and reflection and do the church and pew attendance during the week. To be truthful the smaller less formal daily masses are more spiritually rewarding for me. Also I am contemplating taking on an hour of contemplation in the chapel each day if there are any openings--- even just one day a week during the summer when I can do it easily would be good.
My plans for this summer are simple-- to deep clean and get rid of the things I do not use, to write, to read, to write, to knit and to write. Some days are semi -set such as I plan to go to Wed. AM knitting, Tuesday and Thursday AM mass, teach Tuesday evenings during June and July and go to South Dakota in late June to work with Linda Hasselstrom on my writing at Windbreak House, and perhaps vacation in Colorado with one of my girls in August before retuning to the classroom for one more year. Nothing is set in stone except the writing with Linda.
Oh yes, I hope to work in a walk every day starting tomorrow. I need the exercise but like mass today it will depend a lot on my spirit when I get up. By spirit I mean get up and go which some days like today is really in grandma gear and revving up to do is more difficult--especially in heat. Might have to sleep in pjs that can serve as walking gear. Just kidding.
So readers I am going to some different writing as I enjoy my coffee( my keruig died and will not be replaced) and work on some writing to get ready for Windbreak House. Stay well and enjoy your life.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Necessities implies that one must have them in his/ her life. Of course , the basic physical needs have to be met but what else makes life bearable?
For me, relationships with others is high on the list. The number is not the important thing for me in this area. It is the depth and commitment that count. Some of these for date from high school days and are still viable though we live miles apart and our lifestyles differ; others were formed during various stops on my career path. Some are newer but still make my life better. I do not need to be in their presence daily but touching base and being there during a crisis is important. It is the being there that makes the difference between the depth of the friendship.
Next on the list is the ability to read. Without books my life would be barren. They allow me to travel , to taste cultures not in my physical sphere, to laugh and to cry with the people they are writing about. They enrich my life. Yes, I must have books in my life.
Next is writing. Now this one is in flux. I have always identified myself as a teacher despite working as a newspaper reporter for three different papers and selling Avon. Now writing is beginning to trump teaching as an identification term . Perhaps because I am actively writing more and more and my teaching identity is nearing its end.
As the song says” these are my favorite things”; these are my necessities for a rich life.
For me, relationships with others is high on the list. The number is not the important thing for me in this area. It is the depth and commitment that count. Some of these for date from high school days and are still viable though we live miles apart and our lifestyles differ; others were formed during various stops on my career path. Some are newer but still make my life better. I do not need to be in their presence daily but touching base and being there during a crisis is important. It is the being there that makes the difference between the depth of the friendship.
Next on the list is the ability to read. Without books my life would be barren. They allow me to travel , to taste cultures not in my physical sphere, to laugh and to cry with the people they are writing about. They enrich my life. Yes, I must have books in my life.
Next is writing. Now this one is in flux. I have always identified myself as a teacher despite working as a newspaper reporter for three different papers and selling Avon. Now writing is beginning to trump teaching as an identification term . Perhaps because I am actively writing more and more and my teaching identity is nearing its end.
As the song says” these are my favorite things”; these are my necessities for a rich life.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
a small rant
Interesting day today. It was a flex day so I stayed home did grades, got labs and 3 month check done. So am felling good that it was not wasted. Have a half day work day tomorrow and a week of professional development before summer truly begins.
Had an email from a student basically asking for a grade raise and it was one of two or three. In all cases these are students who were absent and did not get all the work made up, who did not pay attention in class or seek extra help and often turned in assignments half done.How does one say yes in these circumstances? I said no so got one email back that was rather negative but considering the source, it was expected.
Have I ever raised a grade a point or two? Yes when the student truly struggled , kept trying and really sought help not just answers. I have even frozen grades when a student was absent at the end of a semester due to a real illness. However last minute requests for extra credit on the last day of school do not create a need for me to give you something when you did not do your share in class. Ok readers this is harsh but as a teacher, i will reward a struggler who never gives up doing the daily work over an extra credit wanna be who did not carry the load in the first place. Enough.
Having ranted I wonder if I should post this? It may anger some of my readers but hopefully not many. I really fear for these students if they do not get it together after school. No employer is going to keep them on if the work is not done or not done well. In a job you cannot or I hope you cannot use someone else's work to copy as your own.
So I will post this. If it gets under you skin, I am sorry.
Had an email from a student basically asking for a grade raise and it was one of two or three. In all cases these are students who were absent and did not get all the work made up, who did not pay attention in class or seek extra help and often turned in assignments half done.How does one say yes in these circumstances? I said no so got one email back that was rather negative but considering the source, it was expected.
Have I ever raised a grade a point or two? Yes when the student truly struggled , kept trying and really sought help not just answers. I have even frozen grades when a student was absent at the end of a semester due to a real illness. However last minute requests for extra credit on the last day of school do not create a need for me to give you something when you did not do your share in class. Ok readers this is harsh but as a teacher, i will reward a struggler who never gives up doing the daily work over an extra credit wanna be who did not carry the load in the first place. Enough.
Having ranted I wonder if I should post this? It may anger some of my readers but hopefully not many. I really fear for these students if they do not get it together after school. No employer is going to keep them on if the work is not done or not done well. In a job you cannot or I hope you cannot use someone else's work to copy as your own.
So I will post this. If it gets under you skin, I am sorry.
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