Friday, October 9, 2015

thoughts on the unexpected gifts.-immigrant heritage

The middle school where I para has no school today as it is a comp day for parent teacher conference time. Yesterday was also a no school day but i went in for an hour to translate for Perla's mother. I watched as her mother who speaks no English visited with the teachers and how the pride bloomed in her face because her child was praised by one and all. Coming home i began to think about immigration and the land in which we live.

We are all descendants of immigrants. Your family may have come on the Mayflower or early as The Spanish had colonies in the New World before the English came to the northern half, or your ancestors may have come more recently through Ellis Island.They came looking for a better life. They came seeking streets of gold but finding none they worked to better themselves. They made that better life possible even when they were not welcome. The Irish,Italians( Who were called WOPs due to no passports), Armenians, Polish, Germans, Scots came and they stayed. We have towns that are mainly Swedish, German, Polish etc because the railroads which were built by Chinese and Irish workers loaded cars full of immigrants with the promise of land and dropped them off in cultural groups.Think Lindsborg, Ks, Gothenburg,Ne and McPherson,Ks.

These people actually lived what I see as the three step processor becoming American. The first generation were laborers often working s servants, builders, or farmers.they made sure their children had more education than they had and the second generation also pushed their children to more education. Not all followed the plan as some came as tenant farmers and eventually became landowners. My ex- husband"s German immigrant parent followed this path.But whatever path they chose they also enriched the life of our country by gifting us with their food, their art, their knowledge and their example of doing what had to be done. American life is richer with their contributions.

So now the immigrants are not as welcome because the children of the original immigrants have forgotten their roots and because they fear that "their American" culture will be lost. They do not consider What riches these people bring. They discuss how to rid our country of "These People as they gorge themselves on the tacos and burritos that those people brought to our culture. What an irony!

My story is and odd one. My father's family was in America by the time of the French and Indian Wars. They fought in the Revolution( both sides as some came as Hessian mercenaries and stayed) but my mother's parents were both immigrants to our land. So I am both American and second generation. I married the child of immigrants so my children are second generation from his side. I have pride in what they have accomplished but I realize it has been easier for them as they spoke English and their heritage of immigration came from an relier time.

Sitting with Perla and her mother I came to realize how hard it is for them with limited English to reach the goals that caused them to come here. I also know that this is not a time when hispanics are not welcomed with acceptance by all. Even Hispanics whose families have been here since the 1800's or earlier are lumped in the group by those who have forgotten we all were from an immigrant family. I watch a mother swell with pride at the child's good notes, and I know she will be good for the child and the country. I am therefore more aware of my immigrant heritage and proud of what my ancestors have done for me and my children.

America is richer because she welcomed new people to her shores. Like Christ who welcomed all who came , she gave them shelter and they helped her to become great. We need to remember this.

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