The mornings have become crisp and have the nip of cooler fall days before the sun warms the day. Such days make my soul sing and I am in my element. Not for me the searing sun and heat of summer, I function better in the cool of fall and cold of winter. Perhaps it is because I am a fall born child,; perhaps it is because my body thermometer is set lower. Who knows but I never put on a true jacket until it is 30 or below during the day. I am happiest when I can be cool.
Fall lends it self to fanned pajamas , warm slippers, coca and good books. It is a cozy time and a slow time after the rush and hustle of the summer. No need to squeeze in a long trip or day trips---or yard work to constantly needing to be done. Weeds die off, flowers go dormant and only the leaves remain to be quickly mulched or Raked and tossed in bins. It is a time to stay home, bake bread, stir soup and enjoy the quiet of an evening before the rush of coming holidays.
Fall gives us time to contemplate life and our place in in it. The glory of summer is gone and the time to reflect on what has gone before and devise plans for future gardens and personal revisions.It is a brief time and is soon swept away by holidays but even they are more family centered than others. Halloween with excited children claiming ransoms of candy comes before Thanksgiving which is truly a family time with no required purchases other than food which one has to buy anyway.
Winter will come with storms of snow and chill winds and with it the rush of Christmas and New Year's. The quiet of fall will be gone once again but the memories of the time will be as golden as the leaves and sunsets of the season.
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