Thursday, October 8, 2015


Thursday and Friday are no school days at HMS7, but college classes still meet. Last week was the opposite - no college classes and classes at HMS7. Question Why could they not coordinate? Answer it does not really matter. while I may ponder this,the truths I like having a destination and something to do. So today I am off to the McPherson campus from 9-12 and then to HMS7 to be on hand to translate in my fumbling manner for those who need it to have a useful conference with teachers. Tomorrow I am off until speech meets at 2:30.

Another question I am pondering now is what do about plans for holidays. I actually have long Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations this though classes for the college meet part of the Thanksgiving week release of HMS7. My daughters live five or more hours away and travel this time of year is iffy for Kansas and Nebraska. Bad roads make travel unpleasant and nerve wracking but the road conditions may be great.It is the weather that is so changeable that makes me ponder travel. I love being with family but am ok with being alone with my fur babies if need be. Family calls me as I miss being with the girls and their crews. So there is a question of what to do?

This brings up another question, and this is a biggie? Should I Pack up and move closer to one of the three girls? I am happy here in Hutchinson. There are many senior activities, my cardiologist and family doctor are here, the hospital is blocks not miles away and I have part-time employment. I am independent, and that is important to me. One girl lives in a busy urban arena which is not my ideal idea of a place to abide but the other two live in small( and one is really really small) towns with none of the amenities of Hutchinson. Thankfully I think I can put this off for awhile or at least until my ability to be independent is in question. But it always on the back burner of my mental landscape.

Questions about life are something everyone has constantly in life? Answers are another matter.I think I will keep the questions for awhile as the answers are not apparent at this time.

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