Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ok Monday went well. Spanish 1 at McPherson was great. They ask questions enough that I know what they are struggling with . This class will learn. French so far this am is great. However they are not asking questions and they have 2 tests this week ( French2). I wonder what French 1 will be like. Oh well the surprises of teaching always keep me alert.

Fog this am as I drove to school made the drive a bit spooky. In some lower areas it was dense ,but there were large areas where it had lifted. So driving alertly was a definite plus. One student came in saying it was too dangerous to come to school driving in the fog and had he been killed he would sue the school. Think he might become the future Brownback with that type of logic. However I must remember that this is a student who brags about driving 100mph most of the time so not much common sense going on in that head.

Have two granddaughters in spring musicals. One March 30 at the end of spring break is doable if the weather continues as it is. Snow in any form will kill the drive to that one. the other requires a trip to Indiana and getting flights to and from that fit my schedule and theirs is not easy but I really want to go. living away from the action is not easy when things like this come up but usually I can make it work and it will be easier when I fully retire.

Some things are rumbling around in my brain so there be another blog today when I get my thoughts sorted out.

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