Driving to mass today the thought came to me that ido not feel the age my birth certificate reads. I really do not know what age I feel. I am beyond the uncertanities of the teens and the angst of the twenties. the thirties are an era of selfknowledge whenthe maturity settles in and becomes comfortable. Still I love new experiences as I did in my teens, the learning of new things in depth of my twenties and the self knowledge I came tooin my thirties and the sense of comleteness and contentment of the forties and fifities. Truthfully I am all these ages in any day as my taste in music ,books and life experiences demonstrates to any one who knows me. Perhaps it is this multilayered world view that cultures( not necessarily ours)call wisdom. I would not go back to any previous age, but am grateful for the lessons learned during their tenure. Today I am me whoever that is ;viewed differently by each person in my life I am sure but I hope viewed with love and friendship.
Several of my circle of people have been going through tough times. It is not easy when we are being tested and coming through the fire purifies us and our faith. However during the test it is hard to see that the end makes us better and wiser. Saw a sign recently that said the teacher is quiet during a test. That thought encourages me and allows me to be there for them in person and in prayer. Whatever happens it is part of the plan though we may not understand why it is as tough as it is as we edure.
This warm winter has fooled my daylilies and some daffodils to begin to push up green shoots. In fact some trees are budding. Winter may still hit us hard and what will happen to these early bloomers who are pushing forward. I do not want to lose my flowers but how can I stop the false spring they are responding to. I find myself enjoying the warmer winter especially as I drive tonight classes. But when we get an icy blast , will I be ready. Has the warmth of this winter softened our resistance to the storms when they come. Has contentment softened our endurance for the trials to come.
So maybe I am coming into the wisdom stage that will help meweather whatever storms may come/
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