Friday is here. The end of the first week back from vacation is always a settling in to the routine again. Students have to quell the excitement from vacation and reuniting with schoolmates and go back to a study routine. Teachers have to go back to planning and adjust to changes in student schedules. My impact class went from 6 to10. Adaptability is required on both sides of the desk but new challenges reduce the boredom.
My sock is started and without help. The feeling of accomplishment is great. So now I am beginning to believe there is hope for me to actually knit a pair. However I still need to attend the class. The yarn is interesting as I actually hand painted it myself and it is like a crayon box of color. The feet that get this pair will be noticeable. It is interesting to watch the color patterns emerge as the needles click.
Life is a bit like knitting a sock. We are the yarn and our decisions are the stitches that create the pattern of our life, My life like the socks I am making has been and is
colorful. Teacher, writer, news reporter, mother, wife, divorcee, only child Avon lady, 4H leader, dog trainer, drug and alcohol prevention worker and traveler all of these have made me what I am. when my life is done I hope the pattern shows as interesting, tolerant, and happy because I feel for the most part I am that. I also hope my pattern shows my interest in others and how that interest has also shaped and enriched me.
Classes at the college start in two weeks or less and life will speed up once again. There are to be truthful times that I wish I had the sense to say no. But also just as truthfully I would miss the teaching at this level. Is it not interesting that what we love most also intrudes the most on our routine?
Sometimes when colors are all mixed up, my first impression is "yuck". Not at all classy or in a certain pattern. But when there are an array of colors presented, even when they do spill over into each other's spaces, I kind of like it. It adds to that object. I would say that about my life too. I sometimes think I would like my life neat, orderly, matching, and everything in place... but when life actually happens, and areas of my life run into each other, I look back and say, "That's kind of cool."