So I have seen a kit which has gps for dogs so if they get lost you can locate them but text and email is also offered. Dogs texting? Please that implies my students and dogs are equal. This unit is on, and it has a hefty dollar cost.
Actually the things advertised on television websites and paper ads abounds with things that attract but actually are not needed. As I grow older I find I am less prone to jump on the spend it, get it bandwagon. Too many things are in my house now that are not used. They hide in drawers and closets or sit on shelves gathering dust. So I am not buying such things anymore.
But I do have my buy it bug when it comes to books. Certain authors and series are must haves. So I own many books both paper and hard bound. My kindle fire is cutting down on the number of tomes on my shelves but not my addiction to books. Another buy bug hits whenever I see a yarn that calls out "knit me,Knit me." I am firmly convinced that true knitters can not exist without to knit stashes of yarn and a list of ufo's ( unfinished objects.)
Still truthfully I have never been one to play bigger diamond, bigger car etc. games. Things do not make anyone truly happy though they may give a sense of having that lasts only until the next must have comes along. Happiness comes from within from knowing yourself and being able to accept yourself and your place in life. I will never be famous or rich or flashy but I hope to be remembered with love. I am happy even when I am mad.
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