Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yesterday was one of those days: sub screwed up in one class Tuesday, impact boys were over talky, other classes were whiny and then it was a 5-9:30 night for the college. Wrote the boys up( which makes me feel I failed to handle the situation. So grabbed my sock and went to Yarn. It is getting done but it is very loosely knit and I know its mate will be tighter. Oh Well I hope my granddaughter is not too picky. Sometimes in life you have to just let it flow and not get uptight.

Tai chi dvd is here and I am cracking it open tonight after class. Knitting collects my thoughts and i can work things through. Hopefully this will help with my physical tension when things are rocky.

Brownback is attacking tenure. Yes at times poor teachers are kept on but usually because the administration did not do the job well or lacked backbone. I have been on staff where tenure was not really there and have seen good teachers let go due to a personality conflict with administration and /or not showing favoritism to athletes or board members children, In Kansas a beginning teacher can not be tenured until he is given a fourth contract and a transferred older teacher has to put in 2 years for every job. If the administration does it s job and documents the actions no poor teacher will or should I say would be tenured. In the Business world, firings of executives must be documented and can not be arbitrary, why should teaching be different. At least there is a process in place. Think about other areas__poorly qualified doctors can practice for years before being caught and only then if patient or their family makes loud complaints to the state. This is a problem that deserves attention and Joe Public who does not understand it will side with the politicos. Julie you can quote me on this. Kansas is fast becoming a state of rich against poor, privileged against wage earners and people like kobach who stated his id law was based on the constitution and christianity which leaves out Jewish citizens ( and catholics for some conservatives) and opens the door to discrimination due to beliefs. HMMMM> NO wonder people leave here and others refuse to come. But enough ranting.

More later when I calm down. gonna have to knit and to try tai chi tonight for sure.


  1. It sounds as though you had a Monday on a Wednesday, Mary. Hope your day is going better today. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
