Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Spent a hour or two at yarnn knitting today and found my mind clearing. Knitting does that for me. If the pattern is simple (and this afghan is simply discloth squares),I can go into a fugue state of meditate,knit, knit meditate. Often a quandry that has been chasing the gray matters Poirot calls it settles down and is solved without thinking. I do not worry much as my life is pretty much let go and let god but I am coming to believe his answers come after prayer as I knit. Is that possible?

Planning of the Prairie Winds Writers Retreat for teens can go on. the funds have been found through the help of generous donation and a lot of pizza eaters over the weekend. I am really happy to see it go on.Students are all ready asking for flyers so here we go again. More on this later.

Today I was again reminded how different students are. One of my easy to anger non workers is in a local drama groups Jauary production and his writings are in for Pwinds. Creativity allows him to funciton with others. Still another is happy because he is in a relationship and another is doing nothing. NOt unusual on the high school platter. Yet the disturbing thing is talk of passing 5-6 cars at high speed and doing 100+ around s curves. So what bothers me most is one of these boys lost a brother to cancer earlier this year and now he is daring death. Does he want to cause his parents more pain? While these are not bad kids they are reckless even taking the stories with a grain or two of salt.

Yesterday two ex students stopped in.One is in the work world; the other in college after he worked a year. How he has grown up. He was saying how his fellow frosh skip classes and he was saying they can not believe he goes. His comment, " hey I am paying tons for it, i am going to class and I am passing the class." Maturity does indeed come to some.

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