Ok Monday went well. Spanish 1 at McPherson was great. They ask questions enough that I know what they are struggling with . This class will learn. French so far this am is great. However they are not asking questions and they have 2 tests this week ( French2). I wonder what French 1 will be like. Oh well the surprises of teaching always keep me alert.
Fog this am as I drove to school made the drive a bit spooky. In some lower areas it was dense ,but there were large areas where it had lifted. So driving alertly was a definite plus. One student came in saying it was too dangerous to come to school driving in the fog and had he been killed he would sue the school. Think he might become the future Brownback with that type of logic. However I must remember that this is a student who brags about driving 100mph most of the time so not much common sense going on in that head.
Have two granddaughters in spring musicals. One March 30 at the end of spring break is doable if the weather continues as it is. Snow in any form will kill the drive to that one. the other requires a trip to Indiana and getting flights to and from that fit my schedule and theirs is not easy but I really want to go. living away from the action is not easy when things like this come up but usually I can make it work and it will be easier when I fully retire.
Some things are rumbling around in my brain so there be another blog today when I get my thoughts sorted out.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Gov. Brownback's plan to post teachers’ rankings causes outcry; GOP senator describes plan as 'toxic'
January 26, 2012
Topeka — Gov. Sam Brownback has formally introduced his 138-page school finance overhaul, and it includes a provision that Brownback officials had not discussed before publicly: a proposal to evaluate teachers, partly based on student achievement, and post their rankings on the Internet.
That plan received a rough welcome on Thursday from several Republican and Democratic legislators and the Kansas National Education Association.
State Sen. Jean Kurtis Schodorf, R-Wichita, and chairwoman of the Senate Education Committee, described the evaluation proposal as “pretty toxic.”
She noted the Kansas Department of Education was already working on a new model aimed at providing uniformity across the state in evaluating school personnel. That program is being tried in several school districts.
Brownback’s plan would require school districts to adopt teacher evaluations that would be based 50 percent on student performance on state assessments, 40 percent on input from supervisors, peers, parents and students, and 10 percent on the employees’ contribution to the profession.
Teachers would be graded as either highly effective, effective, progressing or ineffective. And the evaluations would be posted on a website.
Brownback has proposed providing $5,000 bonuses to employees rated as highly effective. For those deemed ineffective, school districts would be encouraged to provide professional development. And districts could terminate anyone scoring ineffective for two straight years. Students could not be taught by teachers ranked as ineffective for two consecutive years.
“Including input from parents and families in the evaluation process will encourage more meaningful engagement between educators and students’ families,” said Jon Hummell, director of operations for Brownback.
“It is also important for parents to have confidence their child is receiving a quality education. Therefore, this legislation would require that each educator’s rating be posted on a website designated by the school district that is accessible to the parents of the students enrolled in the district,” he said.
But placing teacher evaluations on a website will only hinder efforts by teachers to improve and the work of administrators who are trying to make personnel decisions, said Mark Desetti, a lobbyist with the Kansas National Education Agency.
He added that teachers already feel under attack because of pay issues, cuts in school funding, proposed changes to their pensions and increased health insurance costs.
“This is strictly punitive and harmful,” Desetti said of Brownback’s plan.
The evaluation proposal is included in Brownback’s legislation to overhaul the school finance system. Brownback wants to remove state limits on local funding of schools and eliminate the current system of using “weights” that divvies up extra funding for special needs of students.
Schodorf said she would probably divide Brownback’s bill into four measures. She said the best way to get things passed is to keep legislation as simple as possible. Brownback’s education bill, she said, “Probably sets the record for moving parts.”
had to post this and ask everyone is this why people raise their eyebrows when the word kansas comes up and the scary thing is this man will be relected because so many vote ticket not the man. if they had listened as he spoke before this election it would have been obvious where he was going. enough said. promise to stay apolitical form now on.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Yesterday was one of those days: sub screwed up in one class Tuesday, impact boys were over talky, other classes were whiny and then it was a 5-9:30 night for the college. Wrote the boys up( which makes me feel I failed to handle the situation. So grabbed my sock and went to Yarn. It is getting done but it is very loosely knit and I know its mate will be tighter. Oh Well I hope my granddaughter is not too picky. Sometimes in life you have to just let it flow and not get uptight.
Tai chi dvd is here and I am cracking it open tonight after class. Knitting collects my thoughts and i can work things through. Hopefully this will help with my physical tension when things are rocky.
Brownback is attacking tenure. Yes at times poor teachers are kept on but usually because the administration did not do the job well or lacked backbone. I have been on staff where tenure was not really there and have seen good teachers let go due to a personality conflict with administration and /or not showing favoritism to athletes or board members children, In Kansas a beginning teacher can not be tenured until he is given a fourth contract and a transferred older teacher has to put in 2 years for every job. If the administration does it s job and documents the actions no poor teacher will or should I say would be tenured. In the Business world, firings of executives must be documented and can not be arbitrary, why should teaching be different. At least there is a process in place. Think about other areas__poorly qualified doctors can practice for years before being caught and only then if patient or their family makes loud complaints to the state. This is a problem that deserves attention and Joe Public who does not understand it will side with the politicos. Julie you can quote me on this. Kansas is fast becoming a state of rich against poor, privileged against wage earners and people like kobach who stated his id law was based on the constitution and christianity which leaves out Jewish citizens ( and catholics for some conservatives) and opens the door to discrimination due to beliefs. HMMMM> NO wonder people leave here and others refuse to come. But enough ranting.
More later when I calm down. gonna have to knit and to try tai chi tonight for sure.
Tai chi dvd is here and I am cracking it open tonight after class. Knitting collects my thoughts and i can work things through. Hopefully this will help with my physical tension when things are rocky.
Brownback is attacking tenure. Yes at times poor teachers are kept on but usually because the administration did not do the job well or lacked backbone. I have been on staff where tenure was not really there and have seen good teachers let go due to a personality conflict with administration and /or not showing favoritism to athletes or board members children, In Kansas a beginning teacher can not be tenured until he is given a fourth contract and a transferred older teacher has to put in 2 years for every job. If the administration does it s job and documents the actions no poor teacher will or should I say would be tenured. In the Business world, firings of executives must be documented and can not be arbitrary, why should teaching be different. At least there is a process in place. Think about other areas__poorly qualified doctors can practice for years before being caught and only then if patient or their family makes loud complaints to the state. This is a problem that deserves attention and Joe Public who does not understand it will side with the politicos. Julie you can quote me on this. Kansas is fast becoming a state of rich against poor, privileged against wage earners and people like kobach who stated his id law was based on the constitution and christianity which leaves out Jewish citizens ( and catholics for some conservatives) and opens the door to discrimination due to beliefs. HMMMM> NO wonder people leave here and others refuse to come. But enough ranting.
More later when I calm down. gonna have to knit and to try tai chi tonight for sure.
Friday, January 20, 2012
FRIDAY and yes this week it needs capitals. Good and bad things happened. Good the Deborah Harkness book event at Watermark books.( must go there again), my first night of college classes had few absences and lots of smiles, turning the heel of my class sock( 3 tries maybe that is bad) and a play to look forward to tomorrow night. The bad almost being run over by semi by Playa Azul and being manipulated into in taking on another college class. Fortunately there was no ugly. Some weeks are just like that.
Time to ponder my navel and the meaning of life has been sorely lacking this week. I am one of those that needs down me alone time. I have been known to go in my door on Friday and not come out until Monday. Often I do no more than read, plan classes, grade papers,knit or just plain sit. Not really productive but relaxing and renewing of my spirit. This week however I plan on beginning tai chi.
Everyone needs to renew themselves to face the stresses in their life. Some do it with activities,( reading and knitting), some with physical activity( tai chi?),and some meditate( prayer). So from my () events, I guess I am balanced. Balance is good. The Greeks believed the middle path or that the extremes of too much or too little of anything were wrong. Seems sensible to me.
Time to ponder my navel and the meaning of life has been sorely lacking this week. I am one of those that needs down me alone time. I have been known to go in my door on Friday and not come out until Monday. Often I do no more than read, plan classes, grade papers,knit or just plain sit. Not really productive but relaxing and renewing of my spirit. This week however I plan on beginning tai chi.
Everyone needs to renew themselves to face the stresses in their life. Some do it with activities,( reading and knitting), some with physical activity( tai chi?),and some meditate( prayer). So from my () events, I guess I am balanced. Balance is good. The Greeks believed the middle path or that the extremes of too much or too little of anything were wrong. Seems sensible to me.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Spent the day in and out of the car running errands and nothing tires me more. I like to get in do everything then come home, but that did not happen today. Lab at 7:30 as I thought it had to be fasting and it didn't. Home and at 9 went to put some packages to the girls in the delivery process. UPS store I love you as they were and odd size. Hope the girls like them as they are the last part of the family christmas gifts. The ups store is impossible before the holiday. Off to Dr. at 2 pm.
Surprise at the doctor's no weight gain in a year so now I will attack it again. I would like to lose 50 but will be happy with 25-30 to hold and then go down again. Blood pressure was good and a1c could go lower but did not spike even with all the food and drink in Belize, I walked out on happy feet. I need to get some pain pills for leg but Doc said she found nothing bad. Full physical in May,
Challenges keep us young. This weekend has held a challenge. Turning the heel on a sock really was one. Started it and realized it was wrong; frogged it. Looked up a video to see how to do a ssp purl, this helped and I got it done only to lose all the stitches off the needle. So there I am doing it a third time. Done and they do say practice makes perfect. Wanted to start another sock for more practice, but needed needles. None to be had at Wal-Mart so have to wait until tomorrow.
Coffee with Amber was a bright spot in the day.Funny she was talking about how glad she was break was over. She spoke of her need for the routine and how she gets more done when on a schedule than on a no pressure time. Yep she has the teacher gene. Her eyes were lit with anticipation just talking about the return to school and I a kindred spirit feel that way every fall.
Tomorrow the long weekend is over for BHS , classes start at HCC so night classes are on again. Sp1 meets tomorrow and after class we are headed to Watermark books to hear Deborah Harkness of THE DISCOVERY OF WITCHES speak. my editon is a kindle; so she can not sign it but maybe I can get a picture. Hope so.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Watching McClintock and the memories it brings it up.Dad and I went to almost every John Wayne movie together and the ones with Maureen O'Hara were favorites and still are. The scene in this one where she falls in the mud. And the scene where he pulls her to the house in the Quiet Man is another. Guess I love a big assertive man who does it quietly.My dad was big like Wayne and never raised a fist to anyone that I know of but he really didn't have to. One look at the size of his hands and his stature was all it took to make someone think twice, without a growl from him.
Oh he had a temper and he would let it go. In fact he and I clashed often because like himm I too had a temper. To counteract my flashes of temper I learned to knit and would go knit rather than enter a shouting match once I had my say. It worked. He also gifted me with his beleif that one has a right to an opinion even though while in his house you better say it carefully.lol He also never said no you are not capable to me, and I knew he he would support me in my choices.
Mom helped to form me also. She beleieved she could maintain things at home whenDad was on his saales route and she did. She took in borders when I was a child and later worked in the hospital diet kitchen during my high schhool and college years. She also managed theJ P Penney"s womens wear department. During our Missouri farm years, she raised, cattle,sheep, and chickens. I recall taking cream and eggs into Cameron,Mo. to have pin Monday. Once she took in 90 dozen eggs and had to add money to buy feed with money from her purse. We slaughtered all the hens in the next week. Roasters and fryers filled our freezer. Maybe that is why chicken is not my favorite meal today.
Both of them gave me my work ethic. I can not recall when they did not work and recall that Dad took some not great jobs to keep food on the table several times.so that is why I have been an avon lady, newspaper reporter, pizza shhop night manager and teacher. When I think of no job in the future, i wonder how I will fill my time. it will be an adjustment.
Life is a great teacher and many of our lessons come from the people around us. Our parents are our earliest teachers. Mine were great models and I hope my girls think the same of me.
Oh he had a temper and he would let it go. In fact he and I clashed often because like himm I too had a temper. To counteract my flashes of temper I learned to knit and would go knit rather than enter a shouting match once I had my say. It worked. He also gifted me with his beleif that one has a right to an opinion even though while in his house you better say it carefully.lol He also never said no you are not capable to me, and I knew he he would support me in my choices.
Mom helped to form me also. She beleieved she could maintain things at home whenDad was on his saales route and she did. She took in borders when I was a child and later worked in the hospital diet kitchen during my high schhool and college years. She also managed theJ P Penney"s womens wear department. During our Missouri farm years, she raised, cattle,sheep, and chickens. I recall taking cream and eggs into Cameron,Mo. to have pin Monday. Once she took in 90 dozen eggs and had to add money to buy feed with money from her purse. We slaughtered all the hens in the next week. Roasters and fryers filled our freezer. Maybe that is why chicken is not my favorite meal today.
Both of them gave me my work ethic. I can not recall when they did not work and recall that Dad took some not great jobs to keep food on the table several times.so that is why I have been an avon lady, newspaper reporter, pizza shhop night manager and teacher. When I think of no job in the future, i wonder how I will fill my time. it will be an adjustment.
Life is a great teacher and many of our lessons come from the people around us. Our parents are our earliest teachers. Mine were great models and I hope my girls think the same of me.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
So I have seen a kit which has gps for dogs so if they get lost you can locate them but text and email is also offered. Dogs texting? Please that implies my students and dogs are equal. This unit is on amazon.com, and it has a hefty dollar cost.
Actually the things advertised on television websites and paper ads abounds with things that attract but actually are not needed. As I grow older I find I am less prone to jump on the spend it, get it bandwagon. Too many things are in my house now that are not used. They hide in drawers and closets or sit on shelves gathering dust. So I am not buying such things anymore.
But I do have my buy it bug when it comes to books. Certain authors and series are must haves. So I own many books both paper and hard bound. My kindle fire is cutting down on the number of tomes on my shelves but not my addiction to books. Another buy bug hits whenever I see a yarn that calls out "knit me,Knit me." I am firmly convinced that true knitters can not exist without to knit stashes of yarn and a list of ufo's ( unfinished objects.)
Still truthfully I have never been one to play bigger diamond, bigger car etc. games. Things do not make anyone truly happy though they may give a sense of having that lasts only until the next must have comes along. Happiness comes from within from knowing yourself and being able to accept yourself and your place in life. I will never be famous or rich or flashy but I hope to be remembered with love. I am happy even when I am mad.
Actually the things advertised on television websites and paper ads abounds with things that attract but actually are not needed. As I grow older I find I am less prone to jump on the spend it, get it bandwagon. Too many things are in my house now that are not used. They hide in drawers and closets or sit on shelves gathering dust. So I am not buying such things anymore.
But I do have my buy it bug when it comes to books. Certain authors and series are must haves. So I own many books both paper and hard bound. My kindle fire is cutting down on the number of tomes on my shelves but not my addiction to books. Another buy bug hits whenever I see a yarn that calls out "knit me,Knit me." I am firmly convinced that true knitters can not exist without to knit stashes of yarn and a list of ufo's ( unfinished objects.)
Still truthfully I have never been one to play bigger diamond, bigger car etc. games. Things do not make anyone truly happy though they may give a sense of having that lasts only until the next must have comes along. Happiness comes from within from knowing yourself and being able to accept yourself and your place in life. I will never be famous or rich or flashy but I hope to be remembered with love. I am happy even when I am mad.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Spent a hour or two at yarnn knitting today and found my mind clearing. Knitting does that for me. If the pattern is simple (and this afghan is simply discloth squares),I can go into a fugue state of meditate,knit, knit meditate. Often a quandry that has been chasing the gray matters Poirot calls it settles down and is solved without thinking. I do not worry much as my life is pretty much let go and let god but I am coming to believe his answers come after prayer as I knit. Is that possible?
Planning of the Prairie Winds Writers Retreat for teens can go on. the funds have been found through the help of generous donation and a lot of pizza eaters over the weekend. I am really happy to see it go on.Students are all ready asking for flyers so here we go again. More on this later.
Today I was again reminded how different students are. One of my easy to anger non workers is in a local drama groups Jauary production and his writings are in for Pwinds. Creativity allows him to funciton with others. Still another is happy because he is in a relationship and another is doing nothing. NOt unusual on the high school platter. Yet the disturbing thing is talk of passing 5-6 cars at high speed and doing 100+ around s curves. So what bothers me most is one of these boys lost a brother to cancer earlier this year and now he is daring death. Does he want to cause his parents more pain? While these are not bad kids they are reckless even taking the stories with a grain or two of salt.
Yesterday two ex students stopped in.One is in the work world; the other in college after he worked a year. How he has grown up. He was saying how his fellow frosh skip classes and he was saying they can not believe he goes. His comment, " hey I am paying tons for it, i am going to class and I am passing the class." Maturity does indeed come to some.
Planning of the Prairie Winds Writers Retreat for teens can go on. the funds have been found through the help of generous donation and a lot of pizza eaters over the weekend. I am really happy to see it go on.Students are all ready asking for flyers so here we go again. More on this later.
Today I was again reminded how different students are. One of my easy to anger non workers is in a local drama groups Jauary production and his writings are in for Pwinds. Creativity allows him to funciton with others. Still another is happy because he is in a relationship and another is doing nothing. NOt unusual on the high school platter. Yet the disturbing thing is talk of passing 5-6 cars at high speed and doing 100+ around s curves. So what bothers me most is one of these boys lost a brother to cancer earlier this year and now he is daring death. Does he want to cause his parents more pain? While these are not bad kids they are reckless even taking the stories with a grain or two of salt.
Yesterday two ex students stopped in.One is in the work world; the other in college after he worked a year. How he has grown up. He was saying how his fellow frosh skip classes and he was saying they can not believe he goes. His comment, " hey I am paying tons for it, i am going to class and I am passing the class." Maturity does indeed come to some.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Friday is here. The end of the first week back from vacation is always a settling in to the routine again. Students have to quell the excitement from vacation and reuniting with schoolmates and go back to a study routine. Teachers have to go back to planning and adjust to changes in student schedules. My impact class went from 6 to10. Adaptability is required on both sides of the desk but new challenges reduce the boredom.
My sock is started and without help. The feeling of accomplishment is great. So now I am beginning to believe there is hope for me to actually knit a pair. However I still need to attend the class. The yarn is interesting as I actually hand painted it myself and it is like a crayon box of color. The feet that get this pair will be noticeable. It is interesting to watch the color patterns emerge as the needles click.
Life is a bit like knitting a sock. We are the yarn and our decisions are the stitches that create the pattern of our life, My life like the socks I am making has been and is
colorful. Teacher, writer, news reporter, mother, wife, divorcee, only child Avon lady, 4H leader, dog trainer, drug and alcohol prevention worker and traveler all of these have made me what I am. when my life is done I hope the pattern shows as interesting, tolerant, and happy because I feel for the most part I am that. I also hope my pattern shows my interest in others and how that interest has also shaped and enriched me.
Classes at the college start in two weeks or less and life will speed up once again. There are to be truthful times that I wish I had the sense to say no. But also just as truthfully I would miss the teaching at this level. Is it not interesting that what we love most also intrudes the most on our routine?
My sock is started and without help. The feeling of accomplishment is great. So now I am beginning to believe there is hope for me to actually knit a pair. However I still need to attend the class. The yarn is interesting as I actually hand painted it myself and it is like a crayon box of color. The feet that get this pair will be noticeable. It is interesting to watch the color patterns emerge as the needles click.
Life is a bit like knitting a sock. We are the yarn and our decisions are the stitches that create the pattern of our life, My life like the socks I am making has been and is
colorful. Teacher, writer, news reporter, mother, wife, divorcee, only child Avon lady, 4H leader, dog trainer, drug and alcohol prevention worker and traveler all of these have made me what I am. when my life is done I hope the pattern shows as interesting, tolerant, and happy because I feel for the most part I am that. I also hope my pattern shows my interest in others and how that interest has also shaped and enriched me.
Classes at the college start in two weeks or less and life will speed up once again. There are to be truthful times that I wish I had the sense to say no. But also just as truthfully I would miss the teaching at this level. Is it not interesting that what we love most also intrudes the most on our routine?
Thursday, January 5, 2012
So Holly is taking a scarf class at Yarn and I am going to go knit while she learns. Not much school work yet as this is the first four days back ergo no guilt. Actually I seem to get a lot done there if it is a tougher project perhaps because I know help is near. It works that way for students also. They seem to find a teacher who for them is a figure of secuirty or shared learning styles or similar likes and dislikes and they learn better in those classes.
My novel needs that a place or mentor that gives me a comfort zone in which to proceed.I get bursts of energy and write like mad and then it slows and so do I. Still progress is being made and I will share it here one day and hope for comments. You my readers may become my reason to write.
Dogs need grooming but have to get shots first. So Saturday at ten it is off to the vet and hopefully a trip to the groomers right after that. Either way I have a sock class to attend that day. Second time through the clas; I am a special needs sock learner but Andrea is a patient and kind teacher. Major accomplishment today, I got one started by myself of course a yarn shop angel was at the table with me.Thanks Shannon!! The learning together atosphere in that shop is unbeatable.
Prairie Winds Planning is in full gear. Trying to get writers and artist to say yes as the kids are pressing for flyers so they can sign up. Band kids leaveSaturday of camp but some think they may come and leave Friday pm so they can do both, Students crave such experiences ,but Kansas' cut of arts council is making it difficult to fund learning experiences. But the funding is there for this year at least.
Need to go knit with Holly. Morelater or tomorrow.
My novel needs that a place or mentor that gives me a comfort zone in which to proceed.I get bursts of energy and write like mad and then it slows and so do I. Still progress is being made and I will share it here one day and hope for comments. You my readers may become my reason to write.
Dogs need grooming but have to get shots first. So Saturday at ten it is off to the vet and hopefully a trip to the groomers right after that. Either way I have a sock class to attend that day. Second time through the clas; I am a special needs sock learner but Andrea is a patient and kind teacher. Major accomplishment today, I got one started by myself of course a yarn shop angel was at the table with me.Thanks Shannon!! The learning together atosphere in that shop is unbeatable.
Prairie Winds Planning is in full gear. Trying to get writers and artist to say yes as the kids are pressing for flyers so they can sign up. Band kids leaveSaturday of camp but some think they may come and leave Friday pm so they can do both, Students crave such experiences ,but Kansas' cut of arts council is making it difficult to fund learning experiences. But the funding is there for this year at least.
Need to go knit with Holly. Morelater or tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
The New Year is now two days old and Work reenters my life. Guess I am odd but it makes getting up worthwhile. Tomorrow the kids return and hearing about their holidays will be great. I spent the last of the holiday in Belize with a group of teachers( most past 30) and was surprised not one felt unhappy with the students they see everyday. Of course, war stories could have been told but there seemed a magic ban on discussing those tales. The focus was on the joy our work gives or gave us.
Getting back to routine is not a bad thing either, I believe most of us find comfort in the daily rut . Knowing what is coming gives a sense of security and allows us to get on with the business of life. Change shakes us up, adds some spice ( though for some change is more of an earthquake) but eventually that change becomes routine. This seems to be the pattern of life. The Great Planner knows our need for security.
Speaking of routine i am anxious to get to Yarn and to have needles in my hands. Belize events lept me too busy to think about it uch but now I am ready for it. Change is even coming there as the store is changing locatioN. In fACT IT MAY HAVE HAPPENED ALREADY! Notice the caps as I am not sure if it has moved to its new location. Believe me I will know by the end of the day and I will adapt to the new site.
Saturday begins a new learning for me. Well, not really new a second attempt is a better description as I once again take a sock class. Andrea are you ready? I am determined to learn how to do this. Learning requires committment whether it is a language or a sock and believe me I am committed to this task. This skill when I have it will be in honor of Heather though not her favored magic loop method.
Time to end this ramble. Happy New Year with all it brings in terms of rut and change. They prove you are alive.
Getting back to routine is not a bad thing either, I believe most of us find comfort in the daily rut . Knowing what is coming gives a sense of security and allows us to get on with the business of life. Change shakes us up, adds some spice ( though for some change is more of an earthquake) but eventually that change becomes routine. This seems to be the pattern of life. The Great Planner knows our need for security.
Speaking of routine i am anxious to get to Yarn and to have needles in my hands. Belize events lept me too busy to think about it uch but now I am ready for it. Change is even coming there as the store is changing locatioN. In fACT IT MAY HAVE HAPPENED ALREADY! Notice the caps as I am not sure if it has moved to its new location. Believe me I will know by the end of the day and I will adapt to the new site.
Saturday begins a new learning for me. Well, not really new a second attempt is a better description as I once again take a sock class. Andrea are you ready? I am determined to learn how to do this. Learning requires committment whether it is a language or a sock and believe me I am committed to this task. This skill when I have it will be in honor of Heather though not her favored magic loop method.
Time to end this ramble. Happy New Year with all it brings in terms of rut and change. They prove you are alive.
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