Thursday, November 17, 2011

THURSDAY random thoughts

So I am a bit dis-organized today as I broke my routine yesterday Funny thing is I do not think I am a creature of habit until I do this and my world implodes. By second hour I will be back on track but getting there will be a small adventure. On Facebook last night one of my students thought humans should go into hibernation for the winter as bears and other animals do. I am with her except for the extra weight required to make it work. I probably would over do and actually gain weight as I slept. Still the suggestion brought up an idea that runs through my mind every year at this time. Did we when were in the cave state actually semi hibernate during the dark days of winter? It seems that as the days grow shorter I retire to bed earlier. So is it something many of us do and is it related to days when warmth and safety was found in the cave after dark so less hours equaled more time in the dark. Somewhat related to that is my love affair with polar fleece. A t-shirt and a pair of these pj bottoms on cold nights with hot cider or coffee in a cup is nearly heaven. A favorite or new good read completes the nirvana on earth. It does not take 300 purses and 1500 heels to make me happy. Cool in summer, warm in the cold,food,and books are all i need. Polar Fleece is the icing on the cake--warmth and no weight. To be truthful contentment is something that comes from inside not from things. If you are not happy with yourself everything is tainted with the unrest in your emotions. Not being bitter is a tough action to manage but if you do life is so much happier. Let go and let God.

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