Thursday, November 10, 2011


The change in seasons makes me think of change and how we as people deal with it. Some like tadpoles try to make small changes while really never changing the major stucture of their lives. Some rush to it the way a waterfall cascades down a mountain- headlong without thought.Others fight it all the way much as salmon fight their way upstream.Still others go with the flow accepting the new path of their life like water seeking its own level.I have probably done all the forms of acceptance but find myself being water as I age. I have come to accept change as proof that I am indeed alive, and that seeking the comfortable level and letting Him carry the rest is best. Change I think is harder to accept if is not our choice or if it comes unannounced and shocks us. Though I never read it WHO ATE MY CHEESE deals with the acceptance of change. Those who read it say it is a good commentary on the effects of change, but upon observing the effects of change in my life and the lives of those I love the thing that change shakes up the most is self-image. We are forced to see ourselves in a new way and sometimes enter an entire new social world. But on the whole changes molds us into the persons we are--flaws and gems together. It not easy to become newly molded but most of us find that we come out of the kiln of change a better grade of porcelain. Divorce changed my life style and my self-image. Various job changes made me aware of skills that would have been unknown otherwise. My children grew and motherhood changed. I morphed into being a grandmother. While I am still actively working, I can see that ending in the next two or three years. This is definitely a water change; one I am nearly ready for so I am beginning to seek what the "new"me will do.Like water I will seek my most comfortable level and re-invet my image and lifestyle once again. I know I will write, knit and read. What else will fill my hours will develop during the process of changing.

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