Friday, November 11, 2011


Short periods today due to musical, big game on the road to state tonight, lunch with Amber, all things to be thankful for but two big ones are JEANS at work and more importantly our freedom and American lifestyle hard won by the Veterans and those still serving in all our wars. These next two months for me are full of wonderful memories and recollections of loses. Thanksgiving was when I realized my marriage was over and two years later my mother passed away the Tuesday before T-day. Yet, I can remember being with family as the girls grew up and I grew up.The laughter, the food , the quiet afternoons and the supper of leftovers bounce around the sadder thoughts and remove them. It was and is still my favorite holiday because it is so family centered and less money centered than others in the year. So as it approaches my thoughts are always one step away from tears but two steps into love and contentment. It is a good balance, December is also a mixed bag of recollections. All of my grand parents except Flossie passed away sometime in the month. I was too young to really register the passing of my grandfathers but I was in college when Janie passed. She was a barely 5 ft package of iron will with a wicked sense of humor and deep faith.I can remember her in a bed at a care center with a collapsed spine saying I will come home. The doctors kept saying no, but she did walk again. How ? She said "The power of prayer" and as I grow nearer her age i have give that statement more and more credit. But like November, December has its happy memories. The times the girls were young around the tree laughing and jumping with joy are happy memories. the visits at Christmas from family or going to be with them are also joyful. I remember flying to Boosier and the hostess wearing a Santa hat, passing out drinks, and leading us in carols. I remember the first Christmas with Andy and Becky in that town, and bantoffee pie at Sara's and kk 'and dana when they were a unit making it the best of it. Love was always a huge part of the laughter and wrapping paper and still is. Life is not easy but if there is love it is wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. It is definitely a beautiful time of year. I am not going to let anyone or anything rob me of this wonderful time with my family. Plus, it's wonderful to share these holidays with individuals that are not blood, but God definitely had a purpose for putting them (you!) in my life! :o) I'm looking forward to lunch, and will have plenty to rant on today. A lovely post, and a great reminder of what this season is all about.
