Thursday, April 24, 2014

the jump

Standing on the precipice of a commitment, I have just stepped over and fell into a goal. Spurred by the Story Circle Conference and a backlog of family tales, which that conference resurrected, the writing of a memoir is now a defined and committed goal. In fact the introduction is written and on tale about pigs is in a rough draft. If you were in The session led by Starfire at conference, the relevance of that choice will be apparent; if not, it does not really matter.
The goal of rounding up family tales from my parents, my childhood, and the rest of my life is truly daunting. Can these stories be made readable for those who have not lived them. After all as I am not a mover or a shaker, there probably is not great wisdom or moral to come from the tales. I guess the facets of a life lived as well as possible will have to be entertaining and well crafted to gain readership. Wait a minute, what did I just say? The thought of that reality is a bit scary.
Still I have a working outline, and rough drafts of an intro and one selection roughed in. Baby steps , I can do this if I do it in baby steps. The stories are there, I can write them , but organization editing etc will take concentration. Do I have that? Better yet, can I develop it.
Too late, the jump was made and I am on my way.

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