Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Panic mode

Last full week for students is in progress. Funny be it December, May or April due to construction the behavior seeps in. There are the what can I do to catch up and pass groups, the help me to maintain the grade that I have( no more assignments please is the translation of that title.) , and the I am done why aren't you group?( translation can we just watch movies to the end?). Over eight school days ago I gave French 1 and 2 a notebook assignment instead of a final. Purpose to review the year, and the second is to create a notebook they can use next year if they go on. Long story short it is due next Monday and some have only three pages done. It is to be 8 sections with 5 pages minimum per section and I do not allow cut and paste material for the majority of the pages. Also since we do not have 1to 1 computers here, I wan t it in 2oth century style notebook format so they can use it whenever. This has disturbed some who want to go purely digital and/or do it in power point which is unnecessary. Oh Well. Monday will bring revelations I am sure.

College classes end the first week of May but research work is due or will be due soon. They are also in panic mode. I marvel how year end panic exists at either level though the college level is sterner stuff. Most of my classes are full of "non-trad"s as I teach at night. Often they are just returning to college after a span of years and they are spooked from day one. About the time I get them settled and working , research pops up ,and here they go into tail spins again. However most survive.

Lately I have been getting many Afghan vets. Some are really focused and do well; others not so much. In some wars they could be called shell shocked though now we have a fancier term.These are the ones I have to work with more as they seem unsure of themselves and the world we live in. so Sad to see such a result of young people who did what they believe to be right.

Still i enjoy the the classroom even in panic mode and it is often the time when a student can learn valuable lessons--time management, and what happens when you make poor choices. Growing up is not ever easy ; and If I as a teacher can help them learn these lessons with gentleness but firmness about what needs to be done, I fell I have done my job,

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