Sunday, February 9, 2014

So I now have two blogs as I lost this one for awhile . The lost is found, and I am back to the one that has most of my writing on it. Losing things is not new to me. Misplaced my phone today and was in a panic but then found it in my coin purse where I never put it. We have all done that laying something down in an unusual place and then wondering just where it is. So I really do not feel it is a sign of the big A as it does not happen often.

Still I have been worried about my lack of writing and creativity these past months. It seemed nothing much was simmering in my creative stock pot. It was not blocked on a particular piece; it was just nothing was there. Still I have had poetry in the SCN journal for the last four issues and a prose bit under consideration for the next. Evidence that I was still writing but I was not writing as much as in the past. Consideration of this led to the conclusion I had not devoted anytime to just writing. Well, I taught three class for the college last semester and coached Scholars' bowl so perhaps that was why the time was not used. Even taught a hybrid class during the semester break. so now that I down to one HCC class, the usual at BHS, and scholars' bowl is over for the year, it is time to reverse the no writing by planning to at least blog every day but hopefully working on poems and prose with greater effort.

Looking forward to the April nationwide writers conference in Austin,TX. Susan Wittig Albert will be there, and she is the founder of story circle network. I will have a chance to meet Peggy Moody, Doc Cherry and other members of my online scn pals. The capstone is Linda Hasselstrom will be the keynote speaker.I know her from South Dakota and it is she who first showed me i could write with some facility. April can not come fast enough though I hate the hassle of flying with layovers but you can not go directly to Austin from here.

More later . I am back at it.

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