Friday, July 12, 2013


Today I was reminded that attitude can break you or make things better. I was served at the Deli at Dillons ad my server was new to the job. She was nervous and being guided but she kept smiling. I smiled back and the tension eased on her part and I really never felt any. I complimented her on her smile before I left. I fear the next inline may not be not have been a smile maker as she had been tapping her foot and was standing with a angry set to her face when I left. How sad.

Left the store after checking out and playing with the four month old in the cart in front of me.She gave me a big burp and smile as Mom left the checkout line. Sort of made my day as seeing any young one happy can do. Finished loading my bags and turned to take the cart back but a smiling ma on his way in asked if could just take it with him. that made me smile too. The day has been good since.

I know I have written about how I do what I can do then let Him do it. But being brutally honest I sometimes do it without a smile and more of a is this really the way it has to been smirk. so while I am content with my choice I do not necessarily project that image. I am human but this summer I have not really planned it , but I am smiling more and using thank you and please more. I find that I get smiles and such in return often and that makes the day better. Now I am not a bouncing Pollyanna or Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Such inane giggling attitude is unreal and un-maintainable but I am doing a simple smile more than frown . Guess what you get smiles and hellos and more back. On the plus side though I may not get my way or everything I want. I am certain I get more than a frown would get me and even if I don't come out on top, My spirit is in a better place. Try smiling.


  1. Agreed.. it does usually get more smiles back. Almost always try to do that. Especially with kids who are nervous.. they really need it! :D It somehow reassures a person that things will be ok, and that you are on their side..even if it's not true.
    Great post.
