Sunday, February 16, 2014

sunday musings

February is nearly over and that means we have 20_days of school left due to the construction schedule, Yep students are done April 23rd.Now as a teacher do I try to push to get done what should be done in a normal year or to get done well what I can get done. I could also balance the topics to cover and pick and choose which should be done. Luckily I teach a world language so I can
decide and go forth happily especially as I plan one more year behind the desk. Science and math do not have that latitude due assessment testing. Still it is a problem but at the moment they are doing quarter projects in French 1 and 2. French one students
are building models of European landmarks and doing a brief researched (MLA) report on their building. French 2 students are doing cookbooks and presentations. It should be an interesting week.

Parent -teacher conferences are this Monday and next Monday from 5-8:30. Long days which if the right parents come much can be accomplished but they usually do not come. Power school allows them review daily if need be. The first quarter they come in droves ==especially 9th grade parental units. Thrid nine weeks the drop off is amazing. I am finding email is an immediate contact and is replied to about 95% of the time , and of course there are phone calls also.

Another tech aid I am finding useful is remind 101.It is neutral phone number for each class. the students sign on to the contact list and parents can also. I do not know their phone; they do not know mine.Still I can text them reminders of assignments, quizes etc. It kills the I forgot excuse for the most part.

Time to stop this. on a less technical basis I just ripped out a sock again. People have been doing this for year-eons even; yet it stymies me. I think I am going to get it done and then fate steps in. It is a good lesson to know that I can not do it all and accepting that has made my life easier. I face a problem, do what I can and step back. then it is in god's hands and he has yet to fail me even though I fail him. Guess that is the definition of faith---knowing that HE IS THERE WITHOUT QUESTION. So glad i have been given that gift.

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