A monkey flyer and Starbucks coffee---my secret Santa rocks. I have mine covered and am debating whether to give my secret Santa a scarf I am making for the heck of it. It is more craft than knitting thought it uses knitting's bind off methods. The thing is is it way longer than I think necessary.If I were to do another which I doubt I would make two scarves from the skein not one.
Next week is an intense one for students. Two days of class and one and a half of semester tests. MY upper division French classes are doing a 200 point presentation rather than a written exam and French one is doing a 100 point presentation plus a verb form exam. The difference between the two lies in time and amount of French required in the presentation. I actually enjoy these as It is fun to see them use technology to present the material and word heavy power points are discouraged. Also 90% of the time I learn something new. Also they are easy to grade and my grades can be done before I leave for Belize.
Have not traveled internationally for a couple of years, Belize will be a good break. Have never been there or to that section of Latin America so it will be new. besides beaches in winter can not be a bad thing. Also it will prime me for the student trip in May to England,Ireland Wales and Paris. This will be retracing areas I have visited many times before and that is enjoyable also.Again I will see new things among the remembered sites. It is not deja vu but what is a word to describe that-- nouvelle nostalgia maybe.
Travel has given me so much----airport delays, reversed trip plans, sore feet and crooks in the neck to name a view. Seriously it has opened my eyes to new ways of seeing the world and new ways to live life that has helped me understand that there is no one right way to be. I believe it has helped me discover that there is a richness to be found in every place, race or individual person if one does not prejudge the place or the person. This ability to look for the good or talent in everyone is a necessity for a teacher though at times disappointment is in the offering, taking the chance for the most part pays off. Sometimes you never know if you touched the life and at other times you find out you did at the most unexpected times and ways.
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