Sunday, July 27, 2014


Woke up at 5 to rain and dogs who needed to potty The sky theater was going full blast with lightening but not too many thunder boomers. So Yes, I went back to bed because I had gone to mass last night but could not go to sleep. Karma, I guess.
Sundays are lazy days for me when I do not plan much or if I do plan it is a day of small indulgences. This Sunday is one of those small "gifts to me today" day. Some shoe shopping and a movie,and some online school clothes shopping as there are few stores in town with clothing for me and I do not like to drive to shop when I do not have an exact needs list. Also writing, there is always writing and finishing up the grading of my summer class. Did I say lazy?

One project I am really enjoying is working on a book with an ex- student. John has grown up into a real art career and he has sculptures in several states. He started in bronze but now does hybrid sculpture using discarded iron parts and other metal objects.It will be a coffee table book of his work with descriptions of his works and how or why he did them.

The memoir is going forward but somewhat slowly as I sift through the tales heard around the tables as I grew up and the ones I lived myself. Interesting but at times overwhelming. Still it is going to get done. This is a legacy I want for my family because these stories reveal the people who made the family. No real scandals but some really funny stories and some real quirky characters.

Also have a couple of fiction in pieces that I am working on. They are fun and because outlines keep me from actually writing ,their development can be surprising. I admire those who do the outline and then move forward but if I do that the story never develops as I am engrossed in the task of outlying and re-outling. work habits are really personal things.

When school takes up I will begin house clear out room by room and try to get things done so I can make plans on whether or not to list my House. Probably won't but the clear out will be good anyway. this means re-organizing my yarn stash, books clothes and the oddments that one collects by living. Now to enjoy Sunday.

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