Tuesday, July 29, 2014

cool weather jam

Today's cool weather kicked my suzy homemaker gene into gear. Results a loaf of Dana Stabenow's no knead bread and blueberry strawberry jam. Actually it was to be raspberry-blackberry but I used what I had on hand. Tastes scrumptious and all 7 jelly jars sealed. The bread was made with whole wheat flour not white but it is flavorable with the crisp crust and good texture inside. Tomorrow coolness is predicted yet again so strawberry basil is on the docket, as well as air freshener with a vodka and essential oil base and a black plum coriander jam. Thursday will be house cleaning. There is also a pickled carrot recipe to try and a bourbon peace jam.

So of course, not much writing happened. That is the evening activity. I have promised myself that I will do at least a page per day. Well, I did write up the material for the iron horse sculpture and sent it off to John for approval. Guess I did write after all -- just not on the memoir. Oh well, it was my decision, and I am living with it.

This morning I enjoyed a chat with Miss Juanita at Brewed Awakening. She is a rather new person in my circle and I truly enjoy talking to her. Topics range from books, baking, children to faith. Today we hit all of these. What a joy to share with her,and she is the very embodiment of a gentlewoman. I wish I could be so ladylike. I feel rough edged around her but am so glad she tolerates it.

Dana and KK are coming this weekend for a week. We were going to Colorado to visit CECE but CECE is in Nebraska as she needs to be close to her doctor with this pregnancy. Then we considered a trip to the Grand Canyon but time and money rather nixed that for this year considering we are all saving for Europe in 2015. Then a one day run at Branson came up but we are staying here---Cosmosphere, Stratca, junking ( shopping in odd stores) won out. If they make it in time , there is a house concert Sunday at 3. I enjoy these visits. They break up my routine.

Dogs are shutting down already. They are definitely not nocturnal hunters--- sin begins to go down and they find some place to lay. Zoe goes to the couch or her box, Winston is near mess he can protest my petting one of the others. and Boba will lay so he can make eye contact if he is in the same room. As it gets darker they begin to snore, they are kenneled by dusk and Winston wants his big pillow bed in my bedroom. He goes in and comes out to look for me until I give in and go in to read. They regulate my life.

Time to write on the memoir. Until tomorrow.

Air Freshener
8 oz each lavendar and bergamot essential oil
1/2 cup each water and vodka
put in mister bottle and use.

bread recipe on Dana Stabenow's website

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