Monday, March 25, 2013

Celebrate Waffle Day with a waffle frolic. The waffle is descended from the oublie, a flat cake cooked between two hot plates and stamped with a crucifix, used in the celebration of the Eucharist. Sometime in the 13th century, a craftsman forged the plates in a honeycomb pattern; in Holland, the resulting cake was called a wafel. The word appeared in America in 1744, when a lady wrote to a friend, after a supper party: "I was not a little grieved that so luxurious a feast should have come under the name of a wafel frolic." Thanks Susan Albert Wittig for the new thoughts for today Marc 25-waffle day.

New perspectives? How many times has this phrase been needed in life. I know my life has been made up of new perspective several times. My family moved often so my grade school years were at three schools and high school and college were at two. I have taught in three states, studied in Arkansas and England, married, motherhood and divorce. Each one caused me to shift focus and priorities and step forward into the unknown. Scary yes but the treasures found along the way were immense. Tree daughters who with their families are the core of my life though we do not live in each other's pocket. Memories of events that can still warm the inner spirit and learning that no one can take away. My life is richer because of the step off from the comfort and known into a new perspective.

I used to worry and fret when a new slant on life presented itself. I do less of that now. About 1992 driving back from Nebraska and a visit to my mother who never once called me by my name( I was Sara, my daughter or Anna Mae, her sister,) I hit a snowstorm that matched the the storm of tears in my eyes. Then suddenly the ditches were full of deer-- the white tailed variety that see cars as hurdles to be jumped. Then the God moment came and I said OK you have me here God. You are in charge. since that day I have not fretted over what ifs in life. Yes I worry but I do not stress and fret about the facts that I cannot change. He is in charge and I follow doing what I can and then letting go so He can.

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