Woke up this morning thinking of friends and the different blessings they bring to our life, this made me realize that each friendship is just different enough that the entire group is a bouquet of talents that enriches my life,. Their ages differ as due their views on life but each brings a gift that only they can give to me.
Berneice and Joyce are tow of my oldest blooms in the bouquet. Berneice came into my life when I married. she was already wed to one my husband's friends. The mother of two and expecting the third she would be my go to when I needed how to advice after my girls came. Her boys and my girls grew up together, we had New Year's eves at each others homes, we shared coffee times, laughs and yes we shared tears. to this day I feel welcome in her house and her life though miles apart. Her gift to me her support and her ability to support someone who needs it. Her husband was hurt in an accident and his health went dow slowly form that moment. She let him determine the amount of help he needed and gave it to him. when he could no longer work she did.She had low moments I am sure but I bet he never saw them.she is an example to me of what love should be.Shakespeare said love is not love that alteration finds and she did not alter her love though her life altered.
Joyce like Berneice faced life changing factors which many would not accept. She and her husband moved from a comfortable home town for his job to a bigger city. they worked together but her circle of friends were in the former town. She did it and then again with another job change. When he passed on, she picked herself and picked up her life and went on. another move , the time because of her job. shakeup after shake up but she gets on with life and yet she is always there for her friends. it seems when I need pick up this "chosen sister" senses it and a card, email or small package comes into my life.She is the gift of courage to go on.
The next three are younger than me so could that they are like chosen daughters. Karrie is a human McNugget in size but her spirit is huge. She is determined to each her drew and if there is a roadblock she moves it out of the way. She is a dynamo of determination. She is a worker if effort alone can get her there, she will triumph. Her gift to me is that determination, that chutzpah to go on keep striving. She inspires me.
If Karrie is a dynamo, Andrea is the calm in the storm. Her tact , advice and her just lets sit and settle on what has to be done is a nurturing spirit. If I make a knitting mistake that brings me to tears, she is there to take my needles to repair it and to explain it so it will not happen again. If I need someone to listen to me she is there. Advice is only given if asked for but her silent understanding silence as others talk allows myself and others to work it out by talking it out.her gift to my bouquet is serenity.
Stacie is another far away pal but our friendship was formed when we worked in the same school system years ago.Her independence matches mine. She like me lives life on her own terms but she ( and myself)gives to others. One case we shared. A young man with anger issues found in her someone who would help him deal with it and finally to graduate high school when no one thought he would. Stacie is a shoot from the hip girl; her honesty can be blunt and tough but it is above all honest. That is her gift to me the ability to be honest with myself and others.
So these four of the major blooms in my fried shop posey there are others---Carol, Jody, Kelley, Delilah, Amber and more. Each of you will have your day so I can tell you of the gift you have added to the posey and my life. but these were the ones on my mind as woke this morning Do not ask why these? I can not honestly answer this but this is the day I thank them for their gifts--love unaltered, support, determination, clam serenity, and honesty. Not a bad start explaining why my soul's spirit carries a huge bouquet of friendship gifts. Thank you
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