Friday, June 20, 2014

Been a couple of days full of ups and downs. Ups--Becky the youngest daughter wound up one of the toughest on line courses she has ever taken, a pal had a wish partially fulfilled, and I added to the material for my writing retreat next week. The downs Becky spent hours on the final papers for the course knowing they probably will still get her a grade she doesn't want( my rainbow a,b,c high schooler has morphed in to an a college student), part of my friend's dream went away, and I need to write a whole bunch more before I head north. All three of us are survivors, workers and determined. Becky may have to adjust a c, the pal will readjust the dream and forge ahead, and I am going to work on some fiction to loosen up the block on memoir bits.

Life is never constant, and I really doubt those who say they never have any bumps in theirs. I wonder are they numb or dumb. Perfection is not human thing in my mind; something or someone will always throw in a twist. Several friends of mine say they never argue with their spouse. I wonder do they live in bubble suits just smiling at each other and never really caring enough to confront the other one even if it is for that person's own good. Even one woman that I love,Miss Patty, who has been married sixty-four years admits the bumps of the marriage are no longer ruts in the road but there are still small potholes. Besides if life goes along in the same routine day in day out year in and year out, it would be pretty darn boring--sort of like plain yogurt. Give me the fruit and yogurt with real blueberries to add texture.

Variety is the spice the old saying but it is more that it is an alarm clock that wakes you up. New people come into your life, new jobs give you new insight, new houses make you rethink the arrangement and value of your possessions. Moving has been a constant in my life and each time old unused things that I have no longer a use for, outgrown in size or emotionally are put aside leaving room for new experiences and new learning.

The ups of life are nice but sometimes we learn even more from the downs. They challenge us and make us rethink plans.We adapt, and we learn from the experience. We grow when we change things. We stumble through the changes and whether we succeed or fail at least we got out there and tried. Opening doors can be scary. Who knows what is behind there but if you do not turn the knob, how will you ever know what treasures you may find.

This writing retreat is a new door for me. I know I can write ,but can I WRITE. I am not seeking book deals or Twilight style fame, I just want to write for those who know me --- family stories to preserve. Will Linda see a small spark of a writer as she works with me. What if she doesn't? But I will never know if I do not get my dogs to the kennel, my buns in the car and try. Believe me ,you will hear about the results, and I know I will learn something and that will make me better if only because I tried.

Ups an downs they are part of life. We can let them stop us . We can seek safety in preventing change. But the ups and downs shape us, teach us and in an important way make us true citizens of the world we live in and truly involved in the process of living.


  1. Mary, You are wise beyond your years. We can seek safety in preventing change but we would not be living or learning.

  2. and xena is changing your life.
