Saturday, August 16, 2014


Amazing as it may seem small things can hurt deeply and often those things are done with no real intent. Aye as the Scots say I know that sometimes they are done with the intent to hurt, but I prefer to think that most times they are not. Still I am growing scab tissue at the moment over a small event that robbed me of a bit of joy last night. Being a survivor, it will not hurt long but after so many little ones , I tend to grow cold toward to those who deal the blows. Now I forgive them because it heals me me even they are unaware of being forgiven.. Carrying the anger inside me only hurts me and though I am not bitter,I will not put myself in that position again.

However, it really rankles me when a friend is hurt and the hurt was intentional. How can people be so snarky and especially when it serves no purpose and is patently untrue. It reveals more about the doer than the one it was done to. What is worse in this case is that the I would never had guessed the person who did it could be so small and so openly mean besides the fact the statement was a bold faced lie.

There is something dark in all of us. Something dwells within our deepest soul that wants to lash out with petty pointed barbs aimed at hurting someone else. Admit it there have been times when the sharp retort or the sly innuendo has been just ready to jump out of your mouth;it is true of me also. It is part of the human genome but something stops us. It stops us if we want to live with ourselves-- if we do not want to rue the act and its results. Animals attack and it is the ability to control the lurking meanness in our system that raises us above the snap and snarl. We can reason and estimate the results of our actions. Choosing not to do something so petty makes our lives better.

The Lakota have the medicine wheel which says that what you put out into the world comes back to you in some way. The Hindus I think call it karma. So essentially if you do good, good will come to you and often more than you put out there. So far I have found this to be true, and so to be petty, be snarky, and to hurt by intent or carelessness is daring fate to really lift your buns in the air with a navy kick and some serious pain. No, thank you. I try my damnest to not do the ""little thing"". I do not care to have it come back at me. It is not easy as sarcasm is my talent , and I have to work at it. It helps to remember if you have to bring someone down to feel better or bigger yourself the action says more about you than it does about your victim. And on that note enough said.


  1. Very good, thank you, Mary. I can so relate and understand this … it’s difficult, for sure for many of us, but none the less it is a challenge of daily effort we must undertake in ongoing effort to rise above. Also, as it has been wisely said, as regards forgiveness, …forgiveness isn’t for the sake of the transgressors, it is for the sake of those transgressed against. And it isn’t about forgetting or condoning, but it is about freeing ourselves from the shackles of others actions and our own tendencies to judy ge and condemn, it is truly about personal freedom in the deepest sense, I believe, … when we can not forgive, it is we that are perpetually imprisoned and limited by the actions of others and who suffer for it and limits our own highest potentials as human beings and capacity to love.

    1. “judge” I meant, not "judy ge", … apologies for the typo.

  2. rj i so agree with you and i have forgiven but this helped me to vent the ire that had built in a sleepy night
