Thursday, September 27, 2012

Okay. tonight I may step on some toes but the heavy fundamentalism and uber conservative Christianity that is emerging and blurring the line of separation of church and state upsets me. Anyone who reads this blog knows that faith is part of my inner core but i do not say a person must agree with my faith to have value. So many now use "faith" as a guideline for decisions but is it faith, fear or ignorance that is guiding them.

Condemning one who holds another faith is what gave birth to the holocaust and yes dang I do believe there was one. Muslims are not all bad, neither are Jews and anyone with a mind know s that not all Christians are good. People are people and if they are to be judged ( which by the way is God's job in any of the three great World faiths) they should be judged as people not as archetypes of their particular faith. Do not condemn a faith until you study it. The Koran contains the same stories as the old testament and preaches moderation in all things. Read some of it, people. You Need not believe but do not believe without thinking all the negative things said about it.

With some conservatives talking about no choice as to birth control ( i don't believe abortion is a proper after the fact birth control) and legitimate rape prevents conception. Even more idiotic are laws stating that life begins two weeks before conception.( yes at least two states have this on the books), I see a a revisionist attempt to put women back 50 or more years. One Ks. state senator a female by the way has stated if men took care of women , women would not need to vote and the 19th amendment which has wrecked families would not be needed. Whoa! lady i beg to disagree.

Priests and preachers are telling us how to vote. Some christian radio speakers. condemns those who do not strictly follow their policies. states are trying to give private ( church ) school vouchers for education and the money comes form public school funding. HMMMM. does any one see a theocracy in our future.? IF MY PREACHER INSERTS VOTING ADVICE INTO HIS HOMILY THEN MY CHURCH NEEDS TO SURRENDER ITS TAX EXEMPT STATUS ON ALL ITS PROPERTIES EVEN THOSE THAT ARE NOT STRICTLY CHURCH BUILDINGS.

OK1 it is off my chest and my mind you do not have to agree or even read this but I feel a whole lot better,

1 comment:

  1. thank you. sort of vented my spleen but am so sick of people voting blindly because their family always votes democratic or republican. we can think, we can evaluate 2 sides before accepting one. are not our brains rigged that way. oh well enuff said.
