Last night I attended a candidate panel of the Mod squad at the Shears center on the community college campus. This group is bipartisan and is aimed to create moderate common sense government in Kansas. So the panel includes Democrats and Republican candidates the group has endorsed.It also includes some governmental representatives who again were bipartisan but who were not in active runs for office this year. Each gave a small speech on their views and their hopes for Kansas, but something beyond that was put forth to remind of us an essential right and it importance. that is the right to vote.
Voting is a right Americans obtain just by being born a citizen or being naturalized. Maybe because it is a given , many feel it is not that important but it is. In our last governor's race, some 40,000 Kansas citizens did not vote for whatever reason. 40,000 voices were not heard. Think of the difference they may have made in the history of our state. 40,000 voices lost their right to complain about what followed that election. The same is true of national politics-- the non -voter influences elections just as much if they had voted.
I belong to the age group most likely to vote. We are for the most part grey haired and wrinkled and often vote to maintain interests we hold dear. One speaker told his 90 year old mother always votes and she is a one issue voter. Her issue is medicare. Not surprising. The next group that votes at least in national elections is those who are 30-55. They tend not to vote in bi-election years. The last group is of course made up of ages of 18 to 30. Historically, they have been the group left apt to vote in any election, However recently spurred by groups focussing on school shootings, student debt, and DACA , I sense from those I teach in this age group a stronger activitism that will perhaps get them to the polls in higher numbers,
Another message came out of the meeting was why voters need to study candidates. One issue voters often influence elections, One of my friends refuses to vote for anyone who is not pro-life. She looks not farther. She was astounded when one of her candidates when elected enacted tax laws, voter right laws etc that appalled her. Voters need to know the person's views on multiple issues and vote for one that matches their own views. As an registered independent for most of my life, I have done this and often my vote directly opposed the vote of people I cared for, but it was my vote for what I felt was the best person. Recently finding few GOP candidates I could vote for( mostly on the national level), I registered as a Democrat, but in this by election I am strongly supporting the incumbent Republican candidate for the 104th district of the Kansas House of Representatives. So I can honestly still say I vote the man not the party,
But the gist of all this is to say,it is important to get the voters registered and voting. Encourage your friends and families to use this right. No excuse like work won't let me off or I do not know where my poll is are actually valid. Frankly, this can be handled by a mail in advance ballot. I n Kansas for the primary I believe you have until July 31st to request one. It will come in the mail, fill in your votes, sign it and mail it in. Easy way to let your opinion be known with very little hassle. I always vote in this manner if it is possible.
One friend said."Why vote?. The machines are all hacked." The answer to that is vote on paper. Ask for a paper ballot. In Reno county all ballots will paper this primary or so I have heard. This is a positive move in my view. Paper ballots must be hand counted and saved. No hacking.
Well,this long enough. Let me summarize it-- Vote, Exercise your right to let your support for views be known, research your candidates to avoid one issue responses, and encourage others to register and to vote. Remember not voting is a vote in itself and often helps elect a person you can not support. There Are 11,000 non registered voting age people ( I believe that is the number quoted last night.) in Reno County. We voters need to help them register and to actively vote. IF WE DNOT USE THIS RIGHT WE MAY WELL LOSE IT IN THE FUTURE.
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