So it has been tow weeks. Chalk it up to the return of a scheduled format for my life. Yes, folks school has begun. We began teachers meetings on the 22nd ,and I am readjusting to having a set routine. I function well with a set format but after our long summer ( it began in late April) it is a bit of a shock. Perhaps that is why I am tired at 8 and asleep by ten, awake at 4 and not really able to go back to sleep. Change is good right?
Change has come also in the fact I now teach 10-3:30 rather than 8-2. I find myself still ready to leave the house by six. That will have to change ,and it will. I will probably be there around 9:30 most days. Yet I am beginning to realize it may take a few weeks to get it straight.
Life is full of changes. Jobs come and go. People drift in and out. You move house or town. Habits change because of health or economic decisions. Some People find change difficult, they fight it and resolve it only after much heartache and strife. I am not one of those. My childhood made sure of that. Dad's jobs moved us--Ohio to Nebraska-to Missouri and back to Nebraska. We lived in four Nebraska towns and I added another with marriage. Since then I have moved on my own to South Dakota and Kansas( two towns in that state.) My career has been teaching for the main part but I have been a pizza server,a reporter for three papers , a stay at home mom which I loved and even an Avon lady. I have taught English and AP English, Spanish, French.Speech,and debate. Change could well be my middle name.
Flexibility is a helpful trait and it will coming in the future. The changes may not be my choice when they come. I am at the age when things will end--- work, driving, independent living. Not happy thoughts but my prayer is that I can accept them as they come and not rail against them as my Mother did. My father was ill the last years of his life and this hot tempered man became a gentle soul who accepted life and lived it as it came. Two models to follow and it is my hope I choose the latter. I loved both parents but never do I want to stress my girls the way Mom stressed her family.
Now today is a change. Living near the state fairgrounds this week has been tough since I moved here. Concerts blare for ten days , and parking is nonexistent and even my drive has been used. Cattle rigs run my quiet street as it is a path to the animal entrance. I never attend the fair as crowds are a big bugbear for me. This year there is change. First the city extended the no park zone so no one can park n front of my house and then I am going to be at the fair from 1-5 today.It is a sign of my dedication to removing our president governor from office that I and a friend are manning a booth in support of his opponent. Change can be good and perhaps create good.
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