Walking Winston in the backyard this afternoon, a flash of read caught my eye.I stood still and for once so did Winston.Yep it was a cardinal and there all once the female was joined by her brilliant mate.Cardinals ,wow! They return every year if they nest here. Tomorrow a feeder is on my to do list. Enticement to stay here.
What memories they recalled. Grandma loved them and in her later years several pairs made their home in the pine trees outside her favorite window. The sight of this pair brought her tome and I could see her sitting by that kitchen window , filing her nails,writing letters, or knitting as she watched those birds. She told me once that their color brightened her day and her mood. So I am hoping this pair stays in my yard as a reminder of the love she so freely gave to the three granddaughters.
Now I wonder what about me will my grandchildren and others will recall about me in the future. My love of books,of travel or dogs will these define me? Or will it be some small thing I said or did that is insignificant to me that makes them remember me? I would like to be remembered and I hope positively.
No one can know what small thing that impacts a life. Dorothy Thompson Knew I was hopeless at Math but her encouragement made it geometry bearable and her do it the best you can motto is still with me. I teach and will often ease up for a student giving his all in my class with little progress as she did for me. Father Ritz with his starched cassocks without realizing and in truth I just realized it myself share his gift of faith with me the little protestant in his catechism class and my senior English teacher at Longfellow High let me know it was ok to read as i loved to in the one semester I had her before I graduated in January. Nothing big was done or said but small kindnesses made big impressions. I try to pay it forward.
Therefore those cardianls better remain to bring grandma to me and to help remember that kindness costs nothing.
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