Storms gone for a minute but it is wise to recall that this tornado alley. From the news many twisters touched down but no lives were lost here in Kansas though there was damage to buildings in some cities and south Wichita. We did not get the hail either but Facebook pictures from Nebraska and South Dakota tell a different story. We were lucky once again, and can relax until another one is forecast. The weather service deserves praise for the early warnings. knowing somehow makes it easier.
At my house there is a mini storm whenever I have Winston and the chihuahuas sharing space. They will adjust but until they do it is a tempest in a teapot. Winston galumphs over to them, and that is the only way I can describe his happy puppy approach to the older dogs who rather he left them alone. Snips and snarls ensue but no actual damage. Boba has much the same reaction to the noisy kids next door, but in both incidents my "NO" stops him. Talk about sibling rivalry.My three daughters were raised with less drama.
What can I learn form this chaos. More patience and I thought I was fairly patient.Well let's qualify that---My patience is ok as along as the person trying it is actually doing what he can in the given situation, but it is in short supply when complaints without effort are the mode of operation. Also a lack of patience exists with college students who pay for a class and then blow it with no attendance. Enough said.
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