Awoke this morning to stillness not a leaf stirring, a sure sign in Kansas that something about to happen. Now at two PM the trees are blowing in a stiff breeze and the sky is slate colored. Yep a storm is coming. My hope it will not be the tornadoes that they have a watch out for until 6pm.
The weather bureau has been touting the storm front for over 24 hours. People have time to be prepared even if it does not develop. My car is under a roof; I have a flashlight and food. I also have knitting and books and am prepared. Basement is there but I will head to the hall way or the bathroom if need be.Truthfully, I may do nothing as I believe that if it is his will it will be so I trust in him after making a few preparations.
Would it not be nice if the stormy periods in life could be forewarned and prepared for in advance. There are probably warnings signs but they are too subtle or we just ignore them until the tempest is on us turning everything into chaos. Yet I wonder even with strong warnings would we be prepared or would we just worry ourselves into a trembling mass of "what if" fears.
Anymore I take the let go and let God route.having done what I can in any situation. this lesson was learned driving back to Lemmon,Sd after visiting my mom who was failing.She had called me By her sister's or my daughter's name all weekend and I had found her medicines hidden in couch cushions. In the midst of a divorce I could not give up my teaching so I faced a ten hour drive home, did most of it with tears blurring my vision. As an only child the loss of my remaining parent was deadening my will to do anything. Suddenly I found myself in the center of a blowing snowstorm and deer in every ditch facing the road. It was too much. I broke and said "Ok god you got me here, I can do nothing about Mom , the weather or the stupid deer. It is in your hands now." I made it home safely and with a lifted outlook. Since that moment I have lived almost exclusively with the attitude that when I can no longer make progress or decide on an action I put it in his hands. Life is probably not any easier but facing it is. He will carry me and his plans for me are good.
So storms come on. I do not fear you though I respect your power to destroy.I have an ally in the chaos who is stronger than anything that faces me.
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