Meet Winston who fills my life with joy, fun and odd moments of terror. The other day he got out the door without a lead and headed to the street. Luckily Crescent is not busy at 5:30 in the am, and also he knows my command voice. So he is safe to lay once again on his back and dream of the birds he can not catch.

Both socks are now done. Never thought I would actually finish a pair but I did . Wonder of wonders I am actually thinking of a pair or two for people on my Christmas list.
It was part of a dare and since I am, done a dear pal must finish a sweater for herself. Do I feel smug? Just a little.

Started a baby jacket for a new one due in July. It is nearly all done now. Body done. just sleeves and button band left. It is a Ravelry pattern and looks rather like an old prof's favorite cardigan. I will post the finished photo soon. At the moment I am doing a dishcloth for the once a month eat out and exchange a dish cloth group. I must say I love these eco-friendly cloths. they do not get scummy or smelly and wash Like a dream. here is one in progress. oops I changed phones and I did not update so the photo will have to wait.
This short but I have to grade things as this is the end of the year.Last full Friday today. Two more class days two final days and the hard part of the year is over. C'est fini until fall.
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