Cheesecake breakfast day for French Club. three flavors await those who can get up and still remember. This will be the last event of the year. Next year we will have to see if it ( the club) is still going. Mostly did eating events this year as there is a ban on outside of Reno county trips and having the members pay for a bus. also to be truthful not many films that are not full of sex and nudity that are French. I plan on looking all summer.
Today and tomorrow are block days due to science and social studies assessment testing. All my classes actually meet today but tomorrow we have a 6:30 breakfast of choice award students so I must be here. My impact class is fifth hour so I am here until 11:30. these are great days for project work but some students still tend to make little progress. It is interesting to see how the groups work and who contributes. I make mental notes about students and their work ethic. If the chairperson is serious they usually do better unless she/he takes it over completely. group projects reveal many things about students.
The end of the year also reveals much about students and attitudes. Many roll up their learning about two weeks before classes are over and teachers have to pull and pull to get them to do the least little thing, Others do nothing but some (and these are the ones who succeed in school and life) keep doing what is necessary even though it is a chore. Maybe this is why a C student in High school is often a better college student because they have learned to study and work while the A student who is not challenged has not developed the tools or habits so badly needed on campus.
Life is not easy. The tools to survive with grace are often hard won. Once a person leaves the security of a home where nothing is asked of him or her and the reality of rent, taxes, food, and going to work to afford these hits life becomes a challenge. every generation despairs that the youth of their era will meet the challenges. From Plato to today the words " these youngsters" have bemoaned the state of the world. Yet, we are still here and that should prove that the majority of those "wild" "irresponsible"
youngsters do grow up and keep things on a more or less even keel.
Still this last year has shown me that there are more and more students who feel they need their and A and the teacher should provide without effort on their part or at least the littlest possible effort by them. They want study guides which are the test so they can memorize the answers without understanding the meaning or process behind them.
These same students expect and often have every new tech toy, the in clothes, etc and damn the expense to the household budget. they complain about the freedoms to do as they like when they want to. Yes, these are age old complaints but the abundance of them is different.
But the majority of them will grow up but not without bumps in the road. They will find the world is not centered by them, and they will survive. They will do what they have to and learn the process of being an adult even if the lessons taught by life are a bit harsh. It is after all the way of the world.
Life has taught me lessons and now I accept that there are things that i can not change. My faith makes life is easier. I know that I will survive His power will keep me Maybe not the way I hope for but in the long run it will be the best result.My hope is that today's youth has the faith or gets the faith to help them live , love and laugh their way through life.