Thursday, March 8, 2012
One of my ex students posted on facebook she was reading Keats and I was reminded of hos Ode to A Grecian urn which talks of the timeless endurance of beauty. Look at the Clara Bow and Bette Davis shots. Despite the passage of time and fashions, these women are still or if alive would be deemed beautiful. their faces are constructed so the eye sees harmony and that is beauty, Outward beauty anyway.
Far more important to me is inward beauty and it too is quickly recognized though it can not be preserved by photos. A person who knows themselves and is true to their beliefs is beautiful despite the size of their eyes or lips or the placement of their nose. Inner beauty is character.
Outer beauty is an accident or a gift of the genes. It matures as the body matures and fades with the body in many cases. Think of davies in her later years When she was almost a comic version of herself. Character to comes with maturity but more important it comes from the choices we make in life. we become what we do and often from whom we choose to follow .
My daughters and their families are beautiful physically in my eyes but it is the people they are and still becoming that give me pride. I only hope that they return the compliment to me.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Driving to school in the am is a good reflection time. Today my thoughts were around people who are unwilling to change or to see somethings happening around them. What brought this on? The letter from son-in- law Andy. He is out of the USA for the first time and commented on the contrasts between have and have not's in the third world. what an eyeopener he is experiencing.
So what thoughts does this inspire? Well I live in Kansas. does that give you a clue?
So many here are quick to condemn the different be it race, religion, culture , or beliefs that differ. Not republican? Oh oh. change the way something has been done for years even though the changing world demands ? Nope it makes things uncomfortable so do not do it until there is no choice and then pout. Now I am older and have a right to be set in my ways but I do hope i remain flexible and ready to accept change when it is necessary.
Many of the teens I teach are confident that life is what it will be the way they think it is ( or should be.) They expect to have every new tech toy, every labor saving device when they set up house, sexy fast cars, and the ideal job that will pay them well even if they do not show up or do what they are assigned. Even now it is not their fault that they do not get scheduled hours after calling in or switching nearly every time they were scheduled. Life will shake them up a bit.
It amazes me but really not much that the post high school schooling is never completed for many reasons. !. they did not go to class, 2. dumb teacher did not take late work, and this is the best 3. I already know more than the teacher so why go. Often it our high school brightest have these problems. In part I think because we do the things that prompt the attitude but hopefully not the last one. Absences and late grades are allowed and I have even done it when I understand why in my high school classes --less so in the college level classes.
Having traveled in Europe and third world areas, I think I am less apt to judge a person on material possessions etc. My judgement comes form how we treat each other and others. It is hope a fairer basis on how to judge.
At the moment I am stressed about the statements I hear that support the high income earners over the average man. I am not a fan of hand out welfare but I am astonished when I hear statements about Pell grants being welfare and only the very brightest need think about college and so. the legislative attempts to set morals by law --- vasectemies not allowed in Georgia if the bill passes, etc is fueling my fire. Make a law about moral choices and breaking it is almost a requirement to feel independent and human. Remember how well prohibiton worked?
Just saying we are no longer citizens of state , we are citizens of a global world and so there will be changes in the workplace, in our lives. We need to be able to decide which ones move the world forward , make work easier,etc, open our minds to concern with and for others and make the right choices.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Wow it has been awhile. Here I sit on a Monday before students arrive enjoying the quiet. Day is planned. All is calm for the next five minutes. Overslept today which is a rare happening at chez devries. I am usually awake before the alarm but had turned it off for some reason so did not wake until doggy complaints penetrated the numbness of sleep.
Have not had consistent lighting in most of the house since last Tuesday' thunderstorm. I really think my fuse box got hit and there is a short some where. changed fuses wed had light until 10 but none in the am. Changed fuse Thursday lasted less than an hour and since then they just pop. Yes. I did call an electrician and he came while I was out without calling me he was on his way. Just came and left his card. going to try him again today. My 2-4 at home M-Th is interesting to find such help but... if they want the business, they will make it work. Fridays I am home from 1:30 on. I did call and explain why I was gone Thursday on Thursday, but have heard nothing. He is recommended by someone I trust so One more try.
Car will not be done until Friday so I am driving a Malibu.I really do not like the car but it is an insurance paid rentsl so I will do it.
Read Cinnamon Roll Murder by Fluke this weekend. It is a cozy series of mysteries but I am beginning to think I read them more the recipes than the story which in reality is better than average. I have begun Wolf Gift by Anne Rice. Interesting so far and one page leads to another so easily that I read 6 chapters last night. HMMMMM? Could that be the reason I slept until 5:45? Fluke by the by will be at Watermark books the 16th of the month and I plan on going.
Not much else at the moment. Oh yes in two weeks it is spring break and how I and the students need that is not to be underestimated. and to paraphrase Pepys so to work.
Have not had consistent lighting in most of the house since last Tuesday' thunderstorm. I really think my fuse box got hit and there is a short some where. changed fuses wed had light until 10 but none in the am. Changed fuse Thursday lasted less than an hour and since then they just pop. Yes. I did call an electrician and he came while I was out without calling me he was on his way. Just came and left his card. going to try him again today. My 2-4 at home M-Th is interesting to find such help but... if they want the business, they will make it work. Fridays I am home from 1:30 on. I did call and explain why I was gone Thursday on Thursday, but have heard nothing. He is recommended by someone I trust so One more try.
Car will not be done until Friday so I am driving a Malibu.I really do not like the car but it is an insurance paid rentsl so I will do it.
Read Cinnamon Roll Murder by Fluke this weekend. It is a cozy series of mysteries but I am beginning to think I read them more the recipes than the story which in reality is better than average. I have begun Wolf Gift by Anne Rice. Interesting so far and one page leads to another so easily that I read 6 chapters last night. HMMMMM? Could that be the reason I slept until 5:45? Fluke by the by will be at Watermark books the 16th of the month and I plan on going.
Not much else at the moment. Oh yes in two weeks it is spring break and how I and the students need that is not to be underestimated. and to paraphrase Pepys so to work.
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