Friday, February 17, 2012

Teenage boys are a challenge. They wiggle and giggle ( yes they do), gab and fidget and they love gaseous explosions of all types.Most of the time I can rope them in and ride herd until they learn some small smattering of the topic. However Impact is different here they are to work to keep grades up and lately it has been a challenge. They are here because they do not care and their attitude is apparent. Now they are not really defiant but it is constant irritation, giggle, talk, bait each and in general can not sit still. they have ever been thus , and in my career they as a group have not changed. It is I believe tied to hormones (lol).

Teen age girls on the other hand have changed. In the past and in many cases today they are the teacher pleasers and still are in many cases. But that is changing since they are equal?? in sports etc. They are becoming equals or out doing boys in foul language and antisocial behavior but for the most part this is not in the classroom. Any ideas why? One recent statistic stated that women now commit more violent crime thanmales and often those crimes are toward spouses and children. Girls have always fought with their mouths and with their memories the fight goes on for years. At a 50 year reunion they will recall the ugly prom dress of a classmate with venom. Now thought they often take a swing at an enemy and a true brutal fight results. Believe even football coaches fear breaking up a female fight.

OK IT MUST BE FRIDAY. I am usually not so negative.Also With two students hospitalized for serious disease or injury and the loss of my aunt, these brooding thoughts are uppermost for the moment. Guess I will turn them into a spiritual exercise and pray for a positive attitude to return.

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