Friday, February 17, 2012

Teenage boys are a challenge. They wiggle and giggle ( yes they do), gab and fidget and they love gaseous explosions of all types.Most of the time I can rope them in and ride herd until they learn some small smattering of the topic. However Impact is different here they are to work to keep grades up and lately it has been a challenge. They are here because they do not care and their attitude is apparent. Now they are not really defiant but it is constant irritation, giggle, talk, bait each and in general can not sit still. they have ever been thus , and in my career they as a group have not changed. It is I believe tied to hormones (lol).

Teen age girls on the other hand have changed. In the past and in many cases today they are the teacher pleasers and still are in many cases. But that is changing since they are equal?? in sports etc. They are becoming equals or out doing boys in foul language and antisocial behavior but for the most part this is not in the classroom. Any ideas why? One recent statistic stated that women now commit more violent crime thanmales and often those crimes are toward spouses and children. Girls have always fought with their mouths and with their memories the fight goes on for years. At a 50 year reunion they will recall the ugly prom dress of a classmate with venom. Now thought they often take a swing at an enemy and a true brutal fight results. Believe even football coaches fear breaking up a female fight.

OK IT MUST BE FRIDAY. I am usually not so negative.Also With two students hospitalized for serious disease or injury and the loss of my aunt, these brooding thoughts are uppermost for the moment. Guess I will turn them into a spiritual exercise and pray for a positive attitude to return.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Have not been here for awhile and being busy is not real excuse. Just have done what I should ;somewhat like my students. Well, guess I am human after all.

Lost the last living relative in the aunt and uncle category Saturday night. Mary was 97 and had led a good life. She was the farmer of the three children in her family and my memories of her are related to her garden and her horse drawn plow. She was one of those strong women who survived and did without the drama. Her life was family, and she and her husband Park cared for her parents. Goodbye Mayme you are loved still.

Her passing signaled the end of the generation. My cousins and I are now the older generation. This means that I have to readjust my thinking about myself. Not actually as I accept my age but now there is no one to look back too. My children are far from children as the youngest turns 40 this July. Where does time go?

So here I am pondering the past and wondering about the future and knowing that only it is today and what I do with that matters. One is gone and the other is not yet here. Is that not how the old saying goes? Tonight I will attend parent teachers conferences no matter how short a time as that matters.

My mind is wandering all over. One ex student is published ( makes 2 out of the fall creative writing class), another is suffering from junior year college boredom, and still another is critical in the hospital after a car accident and two surgeries. Hard to focus on any one of them for a long time. ADHD teacher style has hit. They the students touch our lives if we really care about our jobs and you know they respond in kind. If they feel we really care,then they care. As Martha says that is a good thing.

Allowing people in is a dangerous undertaking and you have to be strong enough to take the hits that happen when you allow yourself to care. You will be hurt but hopefully not scarred.Yet when it works out the feeling of accomplishment is like little else in the world. Opening your spirit and mind can allow you to give to others and to receive when they return the care, It is an unbelievable enrichment to the quality of your life--- wheter it is a student, a colleague or just afirend outside the realm of work. My adivce give caring and openness a try.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

stabenow. tai chi and me

Driving to school today going 35 in a 35mph hour zone I was passed by an impatient driver who went two blocks and turned. Such a hurry in a residential area with a rest home also could lead to accidents. Coming home from my night classes going speed limit or 5 over I am often passed by cars going much faster whose turn is the next road or two roads up. The boys in my impact class brag about the speeds they reach on the roads( granted I listen to this with a grain of salt). Why the need for speed?

Not only speed on the road but also students wish they were 18 which seems to be magical self sustaining adulthood. Not so as we who have reached and passed the magical door can attest and besides at 18 they want to be 21. The grass is greener syndrome is rampant in the world.

Recently I began tai chi. This is an exercise in movement that is fluid and not rushed. It looks easy , but when done correctly it can make one aware of muscles that have been dormant. even the warm up exercises cause me to slow down and become aware of my surroundings. At present I am working on parting the wild horse's mane stance which is a relatively easy movement but placing the legs correctly and remembering not to lift my shoulders or tun my head takes concentration. So the leg muscles ache and the mental strain is also there. Finished with ten minutes my entire body is awake and I am relaxed.
This comes not from the speed or number of repeats but from on the desire to do it well as it should be done. The slow fluidity is a blessing.

My desire to try tai ch comes from watching it in Calendar Girls and other venues and more so from reading about it in Dana Stabenow's Liam Campbell books. So I am stretching mind and body in a new way/ the slow fluidity of the forms allows me to meditate as I work out. My mind opens to the surroundings and I am more aware of sounds, smells, etc. It gives me time to "smell the roses". so the rush mentality of fellow drivers and my students puzzle me. Why run so fast you miss out on so much beauty around you. There is no answer for that question but I have chosen to to drive the speed limit and slow down a bit to be more aware of things and people around me. They enrich my life and are worth the time.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Driving to mass today the thought came to me that ido not feel the age my birth certificate reads. I really do not know what age I feel. I am beyond the uncertanities of the teens and the angst of the twenties. the thirties are an era of selfknowledge whenthe maturity settles in and becomes comfortable. Still I love new experiences as I did in my teens, the learning of new things in depth of my twenties and the self knowledge I came tooin my thirties and the sense of comleteness and contentment of the forties and fifities. Truthfully I am all these ages in any day as my taste in music ,books and life experiences demonstrates to any one who knows me. Perhaps it is this multilayered world view that cultures( not necessarily ours)call wisdom. I would not go back to any previous age, but am grateful for the lessons learned during their tenure. Today I am me whoever that is ;viewed differently by each person in my life I am sure but I hope viewed with love and friendship.

Several of my circle of people have been going through tough times. It is not easy when we are being tested and coming through the fire purifies us and our faith. However during the test it is hard to see that the end makes us better and wiser. Saw a sign recently that said the teacher is quiet during a test. That thought encourages me and allows me to be there for them in person and in prayer. Whatever happens it is part of the plan though we may not understand why it is as tough as it is as we edure.

This warm winter has fooled my daylilies and some daffodils to begin to push up green shoots. In fact some trees are budding. Winter may still hit us hard and what will happen to these early bloomers who are pushing forward. I do not want to lose my flowers but how can I stop the false spring they are responding to. I find myself enjoying the warmer winter especially as I drive tonight classes. But when we get an icy blast , will I be ready. Has the warmth of this winter softened our resistance to the storms when they come. Has contentment softened our endurance for the trials to come.

So maybe I am coming into the wisdom stage that will help meweather whatever storms may come/