Woke to snow today,but it is now ending. Woke also to warm aroma of beef in a crockpot. The first was a concern ; the was second was a delight and reminder of my blessings. I have a home, food, warm blankets agains the cold and if that means security I have it. Yes, I have worked for these things and I am happy with the life I have. But and there is always a but, my life is not perfect.
There are days when I feel isolated and alone.Yet,as only child being alone is not traumatic as it could be and these days pass quickly. I move through them with my chin up and a devil may care attitude. As a senior citizen,I wonder what I will do when I finally quit working. How will I fill my days and pay my bills? But those days do not last long and in fact are often just mere moments. Being an optimist I take the it will work out view of life. Joie de vive is the term in French, and it means loving life.
So there has to be a basis for this attitude and I do have one. It is my faith. faith that allows me to fell watched over and cared for. Long ago I rode home on a snowy night with tears in my eyes. Exhausted physically and emotionally,I gave God control over that trip without realizing it was my life going there. From that moment I face why life gives me. If is good,I rejoice and thank Him. If is troubling, I do what can and when I hit the wall, I give God control. The result I worry less than many people ,and I know His way is the best way even if contrary to my will.
A simple tenet of my faith is not to died to any particular religion. It is a basic belief that there is a God and he cares for this who believe. I am content but not perfect; my life is good but not perfect. My Faith fills the gaps in that perfection and supports me. I hope others feel this same comfort.
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