Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Roger's wisdom

" Look for the helpers "

Fred Rogers

This phrase has been repeated often in the past nineteen hours since Boston. It is a legacy of wise words by a man that saw children as future adults to be developed with gentle kindness. In this time it brings us comfort and it caused me to think of the helpers of our world.

First response people are hero helpers. The firemen, the emts, the doctors and nurses n the er, the police and the federal investigators rush in and do their job without thought of personal safety. In 9/11, at Sandy Hook, during hurricanes and tornadoes they deeds have inspired us with awe and with pride in their accomplishments.They deserve all the medals, praise and respect that they are given.

But there are other helpers in each of our lives that have lifted us up, supported us and shown us the way to better ourselves. Some do all three;others do the one thing we need at the time. Dorothy Thompson was helper in my teen years. Terrible in math geometry was a panic class for me. Even when I knew the answer I panicked. Miss Thompson small and dark wren like she taught the class and noticed me. I am not sure what she did but Geometry made sense and for once math was fun. I can recall they day she asked me to come in as she had made an error on my quarter grade. Trembling I went to her room after school expecting my B+ to become C+ or worse. Instead she changed it to an A- and gave me the confidence that i could do math until I hit trig in college. she pointed the way for me.

Joyce is another helper.A mother of one of my students and a town librarian, she and I became close because of a shared love of reading. when my marriage broke it was her support that allowed me to survive the turmoil of a divorce. She has been there for me during illness, disputes with children, job moves etc. She has become my sister and to this day seems to sense when I need a call or an email to say hey girl you are going to be ok. I only hope the support has been mutual.

Another helper though he might not know it was Father Ron Garry. At a time when my church was not giving my faith anything, he invited me to mass not knowing that I had attended Catholic grade school and all that that such schooling meant such as mass, stations, rosaries, and catechism. That mass was a homecoming and once again my faith was fulfilled. I have not regretted changing to my childhood teaching. As the twig is bent does hold true.

There have been many helpers in my life and there still are. The ladies at Yarn make me laugh, teach pride and humility and have become my community. Ex-Students are another community; some are nearly family. Fellow teachers support me every day.

Look at your life. Find your helpers. Thank them and if you can return the favor. Also thank Fred rogers for his insight on the need to find the helpers during times of national and personal crisis. and pay it forward.

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