Sunday, September 23, 2012

the me in me

Been pondering what makes me me for a story circle prompt due by the end of the month. When I look in the mirror I see the physical me---- a bit wrinkled and a bit skinnier than last year. Happy about the latter and to tell the truth the first does not bother me as I have earned every one of them. But that is not all of me?

Genetically i am 73% British Isles, 13% northern European and 13% southern European. How can I state that? Sent my DNA in for the ancestry, com test. The results put paid the native american myth in our family unless is in the missing!%. Guess it could be as the Kistlers and Baileys moved west with the early settles pre-revolution. James, Shubert and Burns all came later.When I lived in South Dakota i was teased about my Lakota Momma shape. As my genetic pool is Welsh, German,Scottish and English I guess if it is a 1% native american from way back when it would be eastern woodland not Lakota.

Professionally I am an educator but I have been more than that. I have reported for three newspapers and did photos for them too. I have worked at the Powderhorn pizza , a hospital, and sold Avon. I was also a farm wife for twenty-five years and that is work. All honest ways to turn a buck and each satisfying in its own way. To tell the truth I have never had a job I did not like. Those coal miner genes kicking in.

I am a mother and proud of it. My three daughters fill me with pride and they are the best things I have ever done. Their families add to my stash of things to smile about. Raising them was not easy but they are strong women who continue to bless my life.

I am a lover of spring and fall. books,children dogs, and knitting. Not sure if there is an order of preference as i love them all. Time for all seems to be there.

Somewhere along the road to me, i became color blind and a person who strongly believes that money is nice but mankind's welfare is ultimately more important. If that makes me a liberal , my friends will have to live with it If someone treats me with respect I return respect no matter their color, religion or sexual orientation.We are all god's creations and trite as it sounds he does not make junk. Oh how i would like to jab Romney here. guess i am really liberal.

Enough of me. Like Popeye I am what I am.

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