Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Another cool day---fall is here for several days but it is back to higher temps Thursday. Reminds me of Two tramps in Mud Time by Robert Frost. there is line about being in May and two steps back into March that strikes home with me Another line about vocation and avocation being the same making happiness really applies to my life. I have worked for three newspapers, at Powderhorn Pizza in SD, and sold Avon, but true satisfaction on the job has come from teaching whatever level. At present I am teaching French at BHS and various classes for Hutch Community College. There are many things that are different about the two levels. College teaching is more straight forward if it is not done it is not done and the resulting grade is the grade. Not true on the high school level. However the students are similar---whiners, doers, and those who excel The ones who excel only need guidance and off they go to sail the learning ocean, the doers do what they are told too maybe with some struggles but they persist and survive, the whiners always have an excuse, diddle around and do sloppy sloppy hurried work or do not do it all. In College classes there are also no shows, those who pay for class but do not attend and do not drop. Of all these attitudes whining and no shows bother me the most. I do not see how they will ever earn their way but actually some do well later in life. Always a surprise to those of us who dealt with them in the class room. There are other classes or stereotypes of course. Poor little rich kid, dopers, ropers, gangsta preppy, dumb jock, air head cheerleader are all terms heard in the hall and the staff room. Labels that are attached by the dress or actions of the person being labelled. Often in fact more often than not they do not deal with the real person beneath the label. Yet people seem to need to label those around them. I try not to label those who walk through my door but to accept them and treat them as they treat me and have found some amazing people beneath the label. I plan on suing this approach until my active teaching ends and in any new situation I may find myself. "Judge not less you be Judged is a warning from the Bible and it is my mantra. What is yours.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely needed to read this today. My lesson did not go well, had some big whiners. I have to remember "Judge not less you be Judged"! I might have to plaster or carve that into my future desk.
